I don't think that the Malaysian Journalist's skin color has anything to do with it.
Our Lord!
3rd Gear: Missing Malaysia Air Plane Flew Super Low To Mask Signal
Remember when Toyota was raked over the coals when old people stepped on the gas when they thought they were stepping on the brakes? For some unknown reason, this story just doesn't have the same media outrage as the Toyota story from a few years ago. Probably because it is more patriotic to die behind the wheel of…
I would hope so.
Carry-on baggage brought to the exits can cause blockages and congestion at the exit and in the aisles, and reduce the efficiency of the evacuation.
Many studies, such as the Safety Study conducted in 2000 by the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), and investigation reports document the fact that in some cases, it was necessary for the cabin crew to argue with passengers because passengers attempted to carry baggage to the exits during emergencies (in…
People carrying their luggage of the plane really bothers me. If there was a fire on board, you have just a few seconds to get the hell out of there before you are roasted to death. If the asshole in front of me just has to get their bullshit bag out of the overhead compartment, and I am trying to get the hell off the…
That's why any TRUE attendees of SXSW flies private.
I found myself at DFW airport, standing on the tarmac beside a brand new Boeing 777-300ER
My thinking is, IF I were to steal a plane, I would try to keep it as far away from land as possible. Out there in the Pacific, there is little to no radar coverage and hardly any people around wondering what you are doing with a 240 ft plane.
I wonder where there are a bunch of abandoned airfields out in the middle of nowhere in that area...