
While we are on the subject of posting pictures of things that we will never get:

* John steps off the elevator, a wide grin on his face. He is greeting people as he walks by them on his way into his office.

The problem with these movies is, that it seems like it is a horrible time to be alive when the transformers are around. Buildings constantly blowing up. Government on high alert. Giant spaceships that will bring about the dooom of 1000's of average citizens that don't have a transformer friend. The property damage

Flight Club you say???

They might have the Sickle, but we got the Hammer:

My eyes! The goggles do noting!

Last time a guy got plowed on the road like that, a fat Milwaukee woman ended up with John Kruk's wallet and a case of the crabs.

That's what you get for not hailing to the chimp!

Do you think Cadillac should be grouped with rebadged ford and Toyota models?

The new CTS-V (when it comes out) will probably be in the $70-80k range. For example: Here is a quick quote from the Cadillac website for a CTS sedan with a normally aspirated V-6, "middle-of-the-road" type package.

I absolutely LOVE the way the new CTS looks. The fit and finish at GM just gets better every year. Here is the problem:

A NASCAR driver kidnapped one of our writers, that same writer brought back the only live pics of a new Swedish hypercar, we launched a new version of Kinja, and John Hennessey showed up to answer your questions in great detail.

I hope they got that extra insurance.

Is this sticker recent? I can see warning road workers not to be smoking around a bunch of smashed vehicles with gasoline pouring all over the place, but if it isn't, I wonder what kind of person would put that on the side of their car.

Nobody come in my office for a while...

The question, "How deep can you go?" Was also about his girlfriend, but he never really picked up on it.

Delaware: Rush