
Is it just the fact that he’s a hamster? Because there has been a talking ape-scientist in the game since release.

Christmas voice line: Yippie Ki-aye!

All hail Harbaugh! DAKINGOFDANORF!

With Orisa, I was hoping you’d hear Efi chime in over a speaker every so often.  It seems like they have a great character in Efi, but they don’t really utilize her.

Based on the reactions I’ve seen (yes, on the pcgaming reddit), of which yours is included - I’d say ‘Red Shirt Guy’ was fairly mild by way of petulance:

They had a Q&A with the crowd and a guy in a red shirt calmly, but clearly agitated, asked: “Is this an out-of-season April Fools joke?

I’m sure it will be free to play and laden with micro-transactions.

Disclaimer: I didn’t buy a virtual ticket, nor did I attend Blizzcon in person.

I think he looks fine...

Nah, his clone was definitely forming a Rasengan.

Still starring you.  Great minds think alike. :)

Isn’t that the generally accepted local custom of New York?

Fearless replaced him. Geguri is an off/flex-tank (With exception to Orisa)

Methinks not:

I think it’s fair to count staff, media, and periphery in their attendance count.  They are in attendance after all.

Michigan fan here. The expectation from me is a 9-3, or possibly a 8-4 season. If they exceed that, I’ll be elated. Let’s be honest here - we’re still working with quarterbacks that are either transfers or have little to no experience in collegiate play, and an offensive line that did not look good last season.

When you want to get precise, you use harp seals.

All praise the great and powerful Spore. Let the memory of non-believers decompose from the annals of history. We shall dispatch our mighty army of shroombots to purge all of the galaxy’s heretics!

It’s not your place to decide how strong his marriage is. If his wife isn’t comfortable with him hanging out with other women, that is between him and his wife. Not the internet. Not you. Not me. Not even his viewers.

Well said.