Hi, Michigan fan here. The players played, and Michigan lost. A technicality doesn’t change that.
Hi, Michigan fan here. The players played, and Michigan lost. A technicality doesn’t change that.
lol, no. Your team will be made up of Koreans like most of the others out there.
I agree. Video games should have an Olympics-style event, but not at the Olympics.
A locked game mode where you play what the RNG dictates to you for a whole round (instead of one life, like mystery heroes) sounds kind of cool actually (so long as they could discourage players from leaving prematurely when they don’t get the character they want).
Unfortunately, being a ‘flex’ player usually means you’re either a tank or support and never a DPS. DPS heroes are almost always insta-locked. Which is why I usually go with the loop-hole D.Va pick. Technically a tank, but really a DPS.
Play every hero so that you know the quirks, strengths, and weaknesses of every hero. Even if you’re a one-trick in comp, playing every hero in quick play will make you a better player at that hero you one-trick.
Do you have proof of this misogyny? All of the interviews I’ve seen with players in regards to the question of where the females are were summarized as: “It’s going to happen soon, it’s just a matter of time.” That makes me think they were fully ready and prepared for females to be in the league.
The notion that a team would accuse the other team of cheating is absurd. They’re using Blizzard’s setup, not their own.
You could say the same about any team missing an Ace player. Hell, I was saying the same thing about Ryujehong missing from Seoul’s lineup when they got blanked by London. While Fleta is obviously Seoul’s best DPS talent, Ryujehong strikes me as the guy with the intangibles that give Seoul a constant edge. A support…
Houston is great, what’s not to love?
As you get to higher SRs, using him is generally not viable (sometimes he works fine, but generally speaking). Too many characters that have a high pick rate have the ability to wreck your turrets (Hanzo/D.Va/Widow/Junkrat/Pharah at long range).
She’s too central to the game (as is her resurrect ability), and too many people like playing her. They’ll never remove her. Imagine the outcry of people who bought (OWL) skins, unlocked lootboxes, and played her as a favorite character for two years only to show up one day and see her gone.
Jeff Kaplan said they were looking at her. He noted that she’s one of those heroes where slight changes can cause her play-style to feel overly oppressive though, so they take a lot of care with anything they change about her.
She needed a nerf. I’m not sure about this hard of a nerf, but she needed one.
When in the history of mankind has any government, organization, or other large collective entity ever shut itself down as recompense when a small group within it fucked up?
You’re asking the NCAA to shut itself down. Seriously?
Dantonio and Izzo both have the authority to at the very least suspend players when those players are the subject of criminal investigations. That did not happen.
Striker got them something!
Which is a shame, because Junkertown is easily my favorite map when there is no Orisa/Bastion pirate ship on the attacking team.
I’m in the exact same boat.