This Detroit Lions fan agrees with you. 2 for 2 on the spider bag.
This Detroit Lions fan agrees with you. 2 for 2 on the spider bag.
Sometimes there are a few of survivors, but usually one gets shot and another gets stolen.
Might be able to do it in quarters. Like if you do 75% of the damage, you get .75, but a killing blow will always net 1. I’d still place a greater importance on the killing blow, because it’s deathmatch and not damagematch.
Yeah, I’m with you. That blurriness looks like garbage. I hated it then and I hate it now.
For Reference:
Is this just a console issue? On PC she’s not OP at all. I never play her, but she’s rarely the devastating force I read about on websites.
There’s no need to inject more cancer into politics.
I loved Evil Genius. Can’t wait for the sequel.
Your figures don’t take in to account that firearms are rudimentary technology and will never, ever cost $10 million dollars. Also, bullets will never, ever cost $5,000 for the same reason.
This...actually looks kind of cool.
Keep your head down, OR LOSE IT!
Is there a D.Va on the enemy team?
D.VA main here. This isn’t scary, it’s simply life - Bugs happen. Blizzard’s response time was excellent on this, though.
Do this:
Hanzo is a character that demands high skill and positional awareness in order to contribute to the team, and yet many people pick him in competitive without that high skill prerequisite. Additionally, people that pick him are unlikely to switch off of him to a more useful character when Hanzo flat out doesn’t work. …
I was actually speaking to the field goal distance rule. Essentially, the closer you got to the endzone, the less points you’d obtain from kicking the field goal.
#2 Would conceivably punish good offense.
That’s largely a thing of the past. Windows finds nearly every driver on installation. That used to be the most time consuming part - and they automated most of it. It’s so nice.
Let’s say this was 100% true (it’s obviously not, given the information provided by Bioware), and this woman was hired completely based on her sex and not her talent. Is the fault with this woman for accepting the position?