
This sounds like both a wonderful and horrible idea, especially with bandwidth caps.

So my 16MB Voodoo Graphics card won't run it then?

The prospects of a FF7 remake seem... Cloudy *puts on shades*

bad day for that guy....

I'd play it if it got localized/subtitled.

I get raped in card games quite often.

I don't really dislike the free to play structure. I love the way TF2 and Tribes do it. I have a fully playable game with items I can unlock or pay for. With a multilayer it adds either a challenge or payment opportunity and both coexist without need to alienate the rest of the players on either side.

Wait Nintendo's not going to E3?

is it weird this excites me?

Audio books are 20 bucks, the book is 6 bucks... I can't afford to be non literary.

I'm still on the second book (started the first a week ago though so I'm moving through fairly quickly). Graphically the game looks roughly par to current average but every time I see a banner I recognize or peek at one of Westeros' own men in black.... I squee a little.

Well the 360 armor code does not work on the PC version of brotherhood to my chagrin, but I just wanted to tell you that you are awesome!


A Song of Fire and Ice should be called the Song of the Glorious Bastard.

Slapcrap tag is awesome!

Well the people who work at my Gamestop were already elitist snobs. This move seems natural.

The ultimate preorder bonus.

As much as people are going to hate me for saying this, I hope it's as fun as Angry Birds.

Gigity Gifity or maybe pngity goo!

I know how you feel, I'm a character creation snob too.