
Yeah, awesome scenes where she smirked and the dragons did the heavy lifting. Don't get me wrong, I like said awesome scenes, but she wasn't the reason they were awesome. Any of the other women had equally awesome scenes where they were the ones making it awesome.

Not even the whole Harpy business was remotely interesting. Just like, "Well...what did you expect?" But I hope the show really has her falling hard (for Daario and from her pedestal) so it doesn't feel like forty years of wandering and occasional glimpses of Dany's nipples for an entire season.

I wonder if the viewing audience will feel similarly towards Dany's character as us book readers do right about now. (Well, I don't know about you personally, but every time I saw her chapters in DwD, I whispered a quick prayer to the Stranger that Drogon would eat her.)

Yeah, I wanted some blue hair, yellow lace, and a gel manicure, damn it!

Are they kidding me with this Emilia Clarke bullshit? Are they really going to pick an actor who merely had to sit and smirk all season while the CGI did all of the heavy lifting? Not Michelle Fairley who basically destroyed us during the Red Wedding? Or Lena Headey, stealing the scene from whomever she's with?

I see this gif and laugh for the first two seconds, forgetting how his face crumples at the end, and when I get to the end, I feel like an asshole.

Oh I believe it, said as much to the first person to correct my error.

He is one of the tribe!

The closest female comparison I can make to Deen in regards to a porn star becoming more mainstream is Sasha Grey. (She does non-porn appearances, was in a Soderbergh movie, and pops up in interviews here and there in thick rimmed glasses to play the part of "intellectual porn star.") She is about as thrilling as

It's Strong Belwas!

I see, well, duly noted. Alas, still not a fan.

Cutesy misspellings (Kolorado? Kalifornia?) make me angry, so no thanks.

It always blows my mind that white dudes think Asian girls are the way to go because they are more docile and submissive. Do they even know any Asian women in real life? Because I do, and the very last adjectives in the dictionary I would use to describe them would be docile and submissive.

I actively look forward to your comments on any article relating to exercise, thanks for always being excited to talk shop!

Oh my god that man's article made me blind with rage.

My Mexican-American fiancé is routinely disappointed by "white people parties" and I have to say, he has a point.

I have to ask, how did everything go with such a dramatic imbalance? Did everyone mingle and have a good time? I ask because I will be the person with maybe 30% of the guests, and my fiancé the other 70% and have been somewhat anxious about it all. Please soothe my fears.

You are doing it right and I am incredibly jealous. I'm getting married next year, am quite introverted, and have eight cousins total. Ideally, I would elope or have a very wee get together. My fiancé is incredibly extroverted and has in the neighborhood of 40 first cousins. So enormous blowout it is. Luckily, we're

Yep. We all fell for it.

I find Gwyneth kind of ridiculous, like the rich kid who tries to get in on bragging how hard they are in high school, but ultimately benign in her doofiness. But! I hold her and Madonna personally responsible for unleashing the idiocy of Tracy Anderson on the world.