
In America we are too lazy to push our own wheel chair...

When I first read this post I was like wow, Ikea has some cool projects. Then my brain corrected it's mistake.. yea we are talking about Ikeda.

It's no big deal, if the guy taking the shots screws up they can always reenact the speech for a photo shoot like they have been doing forever.

A video is worth a thousand pictures...

Yes the government banned 100Watt incandescents but there is a lot of exceptions and new halogens are 30% more efficient then incandescents. Halogens will be the low cost incandescent replacement.

Title "... Burnt Down His Neighborhood", article text "... some $5,000 in property damage." good ol' sensationalism.

You guys did not list another way to get exit row seating for free. Go up to the flight desk at the plans terminal and ask if there is exit row available. If you are nice they will most likley make the change. The do not have any way of charging a credit card or taking payment at the terminal desk so there is no

There are manufacturing tolerances in play here too, I wonder if you would see a difference if you compared a bunch of black iphones to each other.

Huh, What the.... The far left image is the original droid with the bottom mic section chopped off not the actual moto droid 1

Designed with kidpix

Use the Tinyshark app, free groveshark streaming to your phone.. You will thank me later

This is ridicules, everything in hindsight is 20/20. There are a lot know possible problem areas and failure points with every complex mechanical system. They prioritize what needs to be looked at and regulated tighter based on the data they have. If they did safety inspections for everything that could go wrong in

No Austin Powers references yet?

I bet the counterfeits sound just as good as the Monster gear considering Monster is just a scam.

Now playing

And a parody of Kanye's power hour video...

It looks like this article just went under a massive edit which removed a lot of flat out incorrect statements. But the bottom line is this ipad accessory is basically a toy and overpriced. Buy a real scope for about the same price.