
This article is completely and utterly wrong on so many fronts.

"But they don't understand that if you can't find the button to use the camera on the phone, it doesn't matter how many megapixels it is."

gift rule #1: never buy a women cleaning supplies, good thing it was the kids, if it was the husband he would be on a sex ban for months.

I don't care how a router looks, I care about it's specs (processor, memory, etc), if it has external antenna connections, and if it can be hacked to run DD-WRT.

@tinkertank: True but no need for the personal attacks

How many people have nude pictures of themselves on there computer or email. It just seems weird to me, whatever floats your boat I guess.

This would be great if it was the 1950's and people actually used wall clocks in the office to see what time it was. Now everyone just looks at their computer or phone.

Live Science link no worky :(

The guy is clearly a fraud that is just making BS businesses to sucker in investors then runs with the money.

I really hope this does not become standard in the future. I prefer wired for anything that can be easily plunged in.

now that's snake oil

This is the type of thing you do to your college fountain not a stream with fish. Not cool home skillet

I do not know why people only focus on HP on giant diesel motors. Its the torque that matters.

Ummm this is not possible, it violates the second law of thermodynamics. How can you take this seriously.

ughh, when your wheels are locked up and sliding downhill put it in reverse to slow yourself down people! Or if your are sliding backwards don't just sit on the brake, give it some gas!

HUH!? This is so weird. Why did they just walk out in 15 sec without, you know, stealing something.

Jello shutter on that camera.

but doesn't the bottom set of photos get out of alignment once someone posts something on your wall?