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Really?? You "peoples" need to seriously lay back on the Starbucks a bit.

There will always be a niche market need for a true powerhouse machine, be it for video editing, CAD or engineering simulation software. Encoding video can still take awhile even on a Mac Pro. I agree the Mac Pros are really overpriced and you could build or buy a Xeon beast for a lot cheaper. Most people who use

yea but GPS is way, way better for that. The barometric pressure changes depending on the weather so it is much more useful for measuring storm fronts coming in, etc.

The SDK was released not the source. We have to wait for the source to be released for the magic to happen

Nov 10'th most likley the other possible but less likley date is Nov 3'rd.

Yea, no SD is a bummer. I was also looking forward to a 1.5Ghz processor that was in the earlier leaks. Either way it is still awesome and I am replacing my droid 1 with it.

WTF? Who cares, good for them, they had a good time. Sure the owner can fire them or whatever but why should you call the cops on them?

No it does not have a heart, they are doing to for good PR.

How can she articulate words and sounds so clearly if this is the first time she can hear? All the deaf people I have meet talk differently because they do not have the feedback loop of hearing their own voice.

More people should see this; incredible. Since we can not really see what is going on could you explain a little more of what happened to the people dissed the video? Did you guys pull someone out from under the stage? What injuries could you see?