You mean no gameplay mechanics. What defines a game is exactly an interactive experience.
You mean no gameplay mechanics. What defines a game is exactly an interactive experience.
Worst analogy I've seen in a while. You can call all of those books. You can also call Proteus a game.
That is so impressive. And another argument in favor of hacking everything. The PSP and PS3 scene has come up with some cool homebrews as well.
I really, really hope so. The first game is the pinnacle of gameplay mechanics for action games in my opinion.
You know what else shouldn't have been made? Epic Mickey 2. Both versions.
Now, Nintendo, can you please step away from Bayonetta 2 so I can also play that? (inb4 Bayo 2 wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Nintendo)
So you come here everyday to read the countless bad posts, waiting for one that pleases you? Gosh, man. Go find another website or a hobby.
Yup, and Sonic Generations was great (that's right, great). I still prefer Mega Man though.
Final Fantasy Tactics did this too. If you didn't rescue your characters after being knocked out for 3 turns, they were gone forever.
We've all been there, bro.
The guy is related to video games, this is a blog about video game culture (K[otaku]), not video game news. Why shouldn't this be posted? And should you people do this on everything Kotaku posts? Siliconera is over that way for news only.
Starmie. Cool, pretty looking and has always been useful in the metagame since Gen I.
They did everything they can to ruin the artstyle of one of the most beautiful looking games of all time, eh?
Exactly. Great combat mechanics, great graphics, good presentation and simply not fun.
"No, it's not good, but it hides that fact really well."
Got it during a Steam sale too. No, it's not good, but it hides that fact really well. In other words, the game has excellent combat mechanics, but you only fight 3 different enemies during the ENTIRE game. The presentation is top notch, but the story gets more ridiculous and nonsense the more you play the game. This…
You'd be surprised to know that the USA is one of the few places in the world that considers that violence as a form of entertainment is more acceptable than sex. It usually goes the other way around. I don't want to believe some people find a mouse with boob buttons more offensive than a statue of a severed woman…
It's incredibly stupid anyway, whether associated with Biden's claims or not.
I'm glad to see some Space Channel 5 love.
I agree with you, I'm a big fan of the series and I can't wait to try this out. I just laugh at the people complaining about the story's continuity, when in all the other games the story was just an excuse for the action (and very poorly made, in my opinion, even though I like the cheesiness).