
Nope, it's struggling because they underestimated the intelligence of their consumers, promising things that would be in the game when they're not (as if people couldn't just look those things up in the Steam store before the updated version with less stuff). They deserve all the bad rep they're getting, they made the

Is this series any good? There's always some news about it and the name is pretty recognizable, but no one I know ever played a game from it.

I didn't know that. Still, it kinda bothers me. Why can't Amazon let me purchase their digital games (considering I purchase a lot of books and other stuff from them using my real adress from outside the US) when Steam can allow me to do that?

Haha, exactly. His problems with Steam would be considered much more "personal" since it's a US thing against the whole world. But anyways, still not a personal problem.

Your argument would be valid if people from all over the world could buy digital games at Amazon. Since it's only for the US, Steam still has the best deals.

Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks definitely don't star the same Link. Spirit Tracks is 100 years after Phanton Hourglass and in a different setting.

No, random and very angry internet person, maybe the game was picked up by some publisher and removed from Kickstarter to generate publicity. Can you explain being $28 away from your dream in a better way? This game will probably show up again in a few months.

This has publicity stunt written all over it. He could've easily made the donation himself or asked for a friend or family member. I mean, give $28 and receive $50,000 in exchange to develop his project, that doesn't seem like a bad deal. And hey, if it wasn't for that, I never would've heard of this game, so maybe

Ok, you do have a very strong point about the controllers for a few games, but do people really want to play Angry Birds and Temple Run while sitting in their living rooms? I think their biggest appeal is their portability and all the convenience that comes with that. I guess it's just a matter of personal preference,

A dedicated gaming console to play games anyone can play on their cellphones, iPads and on very cheap PCs. I wish these guys all the luck, but I really don't see the point.

I'm better now, thanks!

Feeling better now, thank you!

There you go, mate! The internet is safe, guys.

I... I just don't understand... The discussions are filled with people trying to help with useful comments and no one has yet started a flame war full of inaccurate information about PC gaming. Has the internet... lost its power?

Says the guy commenting on a gaming website.

Haha, no, it was running on a GPU that a lot of PC gamers have on their PC right now.

The Wii U technology may not be anything new, but maybe people are failing to realize that it might just be different? You know, like the PS3 was really difficult to develop/port games to because of its unusual chip's architeture. After all, this is the the first Nintendo HD console. Maybe it's not as close to a PC as

When I saw the headline picture, I thought it was a Scribblenauts game or something from the same developer.

Wow, this was amazingly well written and interesting.

Ah, here we go again. You can NEVER voice your opinion on the internet without someone putting the "troll" stamp on you. No, sir, I'm not trolling. I used to love everything made by SE and Final Fantasy IX is still my top ranked favourite game. What I find sad is that people put so much trust in a company whose latest