F.X. Nine

“You look like a good group of boys to die with! Haha we’re all gonna die; you shouldn’t have come here!”

Dat John C. Reily tho

Can we just chuck actual Smash Mouth into space?

I don’t have quite that level of vitriol for my own local police, but I’m still in 100% agreement. If you’re given situational discretion over the lives of people on a daily basis, you lose every right to privacy while you’re on the clock. Also, no one is taking a shit in between a chase and evidence recovery anyway.

Number 4 is a critical component of Purity Control.

Invoking science or lack thereof doesn’t legitimize your connection between two things that have nothing to do with one another. Being trans and being mentally ill are only connected in any conceivable shape or way in the eyes of the same ignorant bigots who believe that homosexuality has anything to do with

Su-gahr. In...wat-uhr...

You just gave me an amazing idea for an illustration...

My god, that looks ten times shittier than I remember it being, and I remember it being pretty laughable at the time.

He would have had to die to get the award. Now regret will consume him (which should make him eligible for the Wallace award).

Could a thief potentially overload all of the electrical components (including the GPS) with some sort of high electric charge?

Wow, I hadn’t realized Timothy Spall had lost so much weight.

Yeah, especially since the trailer is basically grown-up Calvin building cool stuff with cardboard.

Some would say that’s not just what is good but what is best.

I agree, that was my first thought, but....

If it were a Popeye’s there would have been a lot more bones in that yard. Popeye’s is delicious.

Wait, I can get legally ambiguous channels with my RetroPie that has KODI? I really need to finish setting up that thing for more than just my emulators...

You and me both. I discover plenty of new music via playlists and such, but it all feels like research for finding the artists that I choose to focus on with full-album listening. I just never broke the habit from a childhood full of vynil, casettes, and CDs.

You and me both. I discover plenty of new music via playlists and such, but it all feels like research for finding

After careful review and research, my vandalinguistics team has determined the true translation of the artist’s intended message:

Haha yeah that whole waffles thing, what a funny.... OH.