Picture-picture bonus damage! Time to feed the fish MF
Picture-picture bonus damage! Time to feed the fish MF
I love how the melody is just Basket Case with more mandolin and wistful longing
I love pizza and still did keto, but only for 3.5 weeks (I think that’s a common keto stretch of time, and I lost a solid 20 lbs, non-water weight). I stopped missing sugar and carb-y foods in that time and was forced to learn like 10 new recipes for meals and snacks. Some of it tasted better than the sin food! After…
Well, giggling and whispering to themselves through multiple comedians— that can be a lot different than laughing/responding to the set, and it can really throw off a performer. It’s like watching a musician play while loudly humming a different song.
That is indeed sex toy colors, and I have a device that is that exact shade of purple. Jokes have been covered so that is all from me. Thank you for the article.
I think it looks pretty cool, but why so few games? I have like 40+ of the best mega drive games on my phone (they run great even tho emulated). You get this cool package with a legit-feeling controller, but would it really be that taxing to have around 30 games? Is it the rights and such? I'm genuinely asking because…
My group just played the first two chapters and we are HOOKED. We played the original so many times that we ended up playing many of the haunts more than once, and finally cheated the system so we could try out the 3-4 scenarios that we had been missing out on over the years.
My group just played the first two chapters and we are HOOKED. We played the original so many times that we ended up…
Good call on the percocet. All of my leftover painkillers typically get saved for this purpose.
Roaring Tyler comes with the tech billionaire bird from the new Ducktales!
I kind of blows the climax.
Gotta agree, I like both films and have seen them many times. I saw Event Horizon in the theater as a teen with my dad and 12 year old brother. We immediately rented a bunch of family movies and watched them all night with the lights on.
You and me both. I discover plenty of new music via playlists and such, but it all feels like research for finding the artists that I choose to focus on with full-album listening. I just never broke the habit from a childhood full of vynil, casettes, and CDs.
You and me both. I discover plenty of new music via playlists and such, but it all feels like research for finding…
This reminds me a bit of the whole #notallmen bullshit. Hey, #notalls of every persuasion, NO EFFING SHIT not all.
Word to that. I’m the horrific snorer in my own relationship, and I use the opportunity to pamper my GF before bed in whichever room she’s most comfortable for that particular night. We don’t always have to sleep apart (sexy/snuggle nights knock us both out pretty quick, and on other nights she’s usually fine if she…
I don’t understand why so many assholes get to have cooler last names than me :(
Why try to grip the fence? I would think it would be more fun to face the opposite direction and do an assisted leap into the sand at the first sign of thrust.
The same parents who won’t vaccinate their kids will line up for this. Because knowlejj.
Your flight go ok tho? I mean, are you ok? We all worry terribly. Certainly none of us have experienced anything this profane.
Should have tried the AUTOCONFIXTHIS in the DOS setup.