
It's a brilliant marketing scheme! A lot of people are frustrated with all the issues around the F-35 and F-22 but once those planes are movie stars the general public might show some support and their funding won't be in so much risk..

I assume sloppy photoshopping..

I completely agree with you that stimulants and concentration aids are the same as steroids and if you approve of one then rejecting the other is hypocritical. That said I take the opposite stance and think people should be allowed to do whatever they damn please with their bodies. It is in their own interest to use

In my scenario Women become Amazonian overlords and keep the few surviving men in cages used only for reproduction.

Well yeah, if it breaks near the top, I imagine it will collapse onto itself, just like any other rope or cable.. if it breaks near the surface, it will get pulled into space.

It doesn't work that way, imagine it like swinging a rock tied to the end of a rope, if the rope breaks the rock will simply be flung out into space!

They way they choose to express themselves makes them sound like a bunch of kids trying to sound badass (which is probably mostly true), though considering how they strive to influence in world affairs, they should probably consider choosing someone with a better writing style to draft their statements.

I don't usually promote rants on trivial topics but you have a point, and I laughed. Kind of reminded me of a reverse Andy Rooney.

I don't appreciate you badmouthing Flo like that.

Well know that the cat's out of the bag, everyone and their mother's ought to start squatting in abandoned houses. Banks don't make any money by repossessing homes, they make money by collecting interest on loans. If tons of people start squatting the banks are not going to have any way to repossess them all and a lot

The thing is, that's not entirely true either.. The chinese middle class is growing VERY QUICKLY and while it's true that in China middle class only means you make $6500 USD in a year most services are 10 times less expensive making their quality of life fairly similar to ours.

I don't want to sidetrack on semantics but to rephrase I said I don't know how it works but I have seen what it has done.

Still, they have 3 times the US population and unlike the US, engineering and science are encouraged. They absolutely have the manufacturing capabilities and quality (when they choose to). And they are experts at reverse engineering. Just like the F-18 program in the US, many times quantity can be just as effective as

A lot of the comments here are downplaying Chinese military technology, but considering that they already produce the most technologically advanced consumer products, they have abundant natural resources, and their population is huge, anyone would be a fool to pick a fight with them. Much more so in 5-10yrs.

I don't presume to know how the machine works, but as far as we know all it does is identify fishy situations and report the ssn of one of the persons of interest in that situation. So saying that the machine is fallible vs infallible is drawing a meaningless/misleading conclusion. The machine is just a tool and it's

Now that people are starting to post memes on FB I usually leave a comment with the [Fixed] version.

Why can't you just have a cheat meal every couple of months? I imagine wanting to eat glass is just as unpleasant as a happy meal hangover once a trimester..

There has been no bait and switch. Nothing has changed. If you agreed to the privacy policy when you signed up to every individual service, then why are you up in arms now? It is still pretty much the same. All they have done is consolidated all the policies into one master policy in order to make it more accesible to

I doubt spikes would be that much help in the sand..