
I really think they should change the convention and have the passing lane on the right. All I want to do is drive at a constant steady speed without having to speed up or slow down because people are going on and off the highway ramps or making a right turn. Anyone that feels they need to drive over the limit should

Woah, very Orwellian..

For me I always look away, not because I get queasy or faint, but because when I see them about to stick the needle in, I involuntarily tense up the muscle which makes the whole thing worse.. Once it is in, I have no problem looking back.

NASA really needs to get a merchandising division and make some funds the "American" way.

James Cameron is laughing his ass off.

Or you could use one of these:

Why would anybody in NYC need an axe?


I applaud their achievements but I really think they should have gone the extra mile to make it a brazilian butt.

The article specifically says that they are improving the salaries..

Well I don't know much about Belize, but this is the first time I hear this kind of news from there. If he choses to live there and doesn't bother to lock the doors, it is probably because he feels safe there and this kind of occurrence is rare.

Way to start distracting from what's really important in this situation!

Way to find the upside!

I'd buy a peed on macbook. At a big discount of course..

So if homophobes are secretly gay, wouldn't that lend credence to their whole "gay is a choice" argument?

Well I don't claim to know much about motorcycles but apparently it worked out great for them, they used them for ~11 years until they came up with the duolever in 2004..

The dual swing-arm front suspension is nice to see. It eliminates the nose dive when braking which occurs in most bikes with telescopic front forks.

The concept is interesting; however the prototype in the video is more of a universal robotic platform with a baby chair strapped to it. This is probably one of the big cost challenges for the device.

Nobody has mentioned the obvious flaw? Anybody that can't see a picture cannot read a thermal printout!

With the exception of Chemical and Industrial engineering, women are HUGELY underrepresented in engineering fields. Numbers get better later in grad school but they are still lacking. Any technology company is going to want their board members properly vetted with a technology background. In the example of Google and