
I would totally read a Gawker Fitness and health blog! #fitmodo

And a link just below the picture! Also, Google is your friend.

If I'm not mistaken, they were originally intended as a safety stoves. Only the metal pan heats up, and as soon as you remove it the surface is cool to the touch.

FTA: "DNSChanger affects the Windows and Mac OS"

No love for Short Circuit? I know it's a stretch for a hacker movie but it is still more realistic than the Matrix which is in second place so far!

That was my first thought too.

What kind of desk is it and where can I get one?

If you look closely at it, it's made to be screwed into the outlet, it might not hold on otherwise so it might not work for travel.

I assume you never ride in elevators, airport shuttles, or even big commercial airplanes for that matter. Getting Lasik eye surgery is off the table for you. Anti-lock brakes must make you cringe! Even though the most experienced professional race car drivers just barely out-perform ABS and only by negligible margins.

It'll become mainstream faster than you think, as soon as insurance companies realize that most, if not virtually all accidents are caused by human error, premiums for human drivers will go through the roof considering the robot alternatives will never suffer from fatigue, error in judgement or even general dumbassery.

They're gonna put harddrives in them?

You like driving, I like driving, a lot of people do not. Other people are bad at it. I almost got killed by a drunk driver once, even if you ar doing everything correctly some careless idiot can ruin your life. I'd rather have MOST people in self-driving cars and people driving their own cars be the exception. And

I wonder how many of the kids at Coachella had even been born when Tupac was killed..

Well the spinning pod did replace the much larger array of lasers mounted on the top of previous vehicles, and I imagine they will get smaller; but even boats with their hundreds of years of development haven't gotten rid of their spinning radars on top. The current method needs a device up high enough to have a non

I really embrace this progress and really think this is the future, but the idea of all future cars having an ugly spinning pod on top is a bit upsetting..

I went to an "electronics shop" in china town back in '05 and they were selling huge outdated Sony Discmans which had been on the shelf for ages collecting dust at around $300 if I recall correctly..

Keep on trollin'!

It's easy to turn off GPS data in your photos. Usually just a setting in your camera app (Android).

I saw no mention of dingleberry resistance, which is one of the main qualities I look for in TP.

Damn, I just wrote the exact same comment!