
Wall-E is not impressed.

I do the same.

So this is how the world ends. 12 Monkeys style...

Suppose one reformats the book for a different distribution medium, would this count as a different edition? I have no idea how publishing works..

Thanks everyone!

Was going to insert the asian gamer clapping gif here but remembered animated gifs don't seem to work too well in the comments here anyways. Plus, I'd have to search for the link...

Can someone point out the comet for me?

I like this caption the best!

I hate to spam but this is the best technical explanation of the shortcomings of SOPA I've seen. I feel this article concisely explains all the holes in this legislation and why it is ultimately ineffective:

SOPA and PIPA as written (by people who have limited understanding of the technical aspects of the internet) contains some very vague language as to what sites, under what specific conditions must be censored.

Uses a platform that could be negatively affected by SOPA/PIPA to defend SOPA/PIPA. LIke the saying goes, ignorance is bold.

The whole Bill Gates 640K thing might just be a rumor but you actually did state that 1TB is "more storage than you'll ever really need hanging on your keychain". You'll certainly be looking like a fool 20 years from now!

Pretty sure those are Midi-chlorians..

If that creeps you out you don't want to know what they're unofficially being called! Actually YES YOU DO: []

Yes. You can call Google's non approval process Anarchistic.

Note how the artist carefully omitted that one...


Intelligent Design?

My guess would be yes, yes [and possibly]. But I am just a guy on the internet speculating so you can just ignore my comment and wait till someone in the maritime business can give a real answer.

I thought the same, though he can now wear shades and a piercing too!