
Somebody authorize his comment please!

OK I re-read. You had been texting the girl's mom all along?

But in the situation where physical access is required to a computer deep in enemy territory, one of these guys is a much better alternative than either trying to get a computer expert that is untrained in combat OR a soldier that is less experienced with computer security.

Wait what!?

"I think I'm gonna EXPLODE!!!"

Because Sprint currently uses Wimax-4G but it seems they are having issues with it and decided to use LTE now as well.

I've seen some of these on Christwire so they MUST be true!:

My first thought upon reading the first paragraph was also "But Hotmail spam filters suck!"

Imma gonna copy a comment I left on Boing Boing here cuz I feel it's relevant:

I think you are totally correct to question what is actually happening with the information that passes through CIQ; but it could very well be nothing to worry about.

I was creeped out when I first heard about CIQ. I still am, however now that they have been called out for some potentially sketchy practices it's only fair that they get a legitimate chance to explain themselves. Because even though a lot of information passes through their software it may just be parsing it into

The ought to rethink the use of the word "Forge" in their promotional materials. All they are doing is making people think their car is gonna get stolen.

That programming base looks expensive and unnecessary. A serial cable with some sort of tiny proprietary connecter would probably be just fine..

I have been using my EVO 4G stock since I bought it a 1.5 yrs ago. Always thought of rooting it but it didn't seem worth the extra work of doing all the research, choosing a ROM etc.. Beisdes, HTC and Sprint have been sending updates pretty regularly until recently. Plus I didn't wan't to risk voiding my warranty (I

Well it really isn't much of a threat either! HAR HAR!

Quagmire approves:

"Despicable parasites: did you receive the order from your employers to respond to me in unison and with the same pre-determined script? Be creative"

I doubt the author hates the Oscars, if he's like me he just doesn't care. But I would definitely watch them for the Muppets..

I remember people being concerned about it at first because Google IS an advertisement company. However Gmail is known for having the most robust spam filters so it wouldn't make a lot of sense to sell your email address if they were going to filter out the unsolicited mail anyways. What does creep some people out is

I'll use it when they bring back the '97 logo: