
I think she was more addressing American privileges, and that the BLM movement forget the American foreign policy and foreign influences of which she is critical ? I like her music, so I might be biased.

Apart from Canada, they are the only country who ever apologized for fucking up another race. Not Britain in Bengal, not the Belgians in Congo, and not <fill name here> have ever apologized for the genocides they committed.

We age super well. There’s that. Oh, and we’re like, naturally cool and creative, as evidenced by most of American culture being based off of stuff we make up. Every type of American music style, for instance.

I didn't know Prince was a vegan. Wow and I like that he wasn't obnoxious about it too.

this is probably hypocritical coming from somebody that spends as much time in the Jezebel comments section as I do, but these people have way too much fucking time on their hands

Ugh why do my fellow vegans have to be so embarrassing. It's like for every single cool vegan, like Prince, there are a thousand militant assholes.

Agreed agreed! Well written, engaging and informative. Should be a YA book and a movie.

This was so, so great.

“Why is this night more miserable than all other nights?”

How old are you?

I just love it when, after a lifetime of searching, a person finds their porpoise in life.

Big fan of how he attacks her for being in a coffee the same time he was in the coffee shop.

Maybe try an L-stand? You basically do dolphin pose with your feet by the wall, and then s-l-o-w-l-y walk your feet up the wall until you’re shaped like an upside down L. You’ll get all the benefits of inversion, but accommodating your level of flexibility. Just an idea.

A recent study published in the American Journal of Human Biology suggests that people with previous tattoo experience may have a better immune response to new tattoos than those being inked for the first time.

They do have people of color- Kumail Nanjiani right there, for one.

I buy this, though. I don’t have a problem with the lack of diversity on this show, because I feel like its entire role is lampooning the absurdity of silicon valley culture. It’s supposed to be an exaggerated version of start-up/venture politics, not an idealized version of it. They even have a whole episode about

I feel like somehow the Republicans will turn this into another reason to try to keep women from obtaining contraception — OH, YOU WANT THE ISIS PILLS, HUH??

Yes. I’m only allowed to complain about one thing per year, and this is my thing.

Right? This is like... 1995 all over again.

But has Curella Devilla filed a suit against Orlan for clearly copying her hair?