
Obama didn’t do the same thing.

John Mccain has told countless lies about the ACA, and voted to defund planned parenthood. The man has no decency and no spine. He couldnt even keep his lips off of Trumps ass for more than 6 months after Trump called him a loser for being a POW.

Given his plans to gut food safety and love of fast food, my money is on him dying of E. colli from an improperly prepared hamburger.

Can you explain why everyone assumes it will be eight years? I genuinely don’t get it. I mean, more people voted for Clinton and the people who voted 3rd party in the major swing states would have won it for Clinton.

I get a Dexter Morgan vibe from Pence. He’d dismember you with a smile on his face. And he loves power.

I actually teared up when he was at that town hall forum and some nutjob started going on about Obama being a Muslim; McCain cut her off, took the mic back from her, and said (paraphrasing here): “No, he’s not, that’s incorrect. He’s a good man, he and I may differ on how to run the country, but he’s a good American.”

Trump does have a vision. He wants to punish everyone. End of list. He doesn’t want change anything or do anything, he just wants other people to feel pain. For years, I thought he was a narcissist. Now I see he is something more dangerous.... he is a sadist.


It was Reagan who set the template for the Idiot President, and McCain who twisted off the bottlecap & let out the template for the Asshole President. Once people started listening to that savage babbling psycho Palin, the discourse & climate just plummeted....

Even better, now he’s bitching and demanding that the intelligence committees investigate because NBC supposedly got a scoop on the information he was briefed on. You know, the intelligence briefing that he has all but stuck his fingers in his ears to avoid hearing...

Like everything in His Royal Cheeto’s life: He is talking about hacking and he literally does not use computers.
My 93 year old grandma knew more about “The Google” as she called it when she called me and asked me to look something up for her, than Trump. The man who only knows how to use the Twitter app with bad

You’re right about McCain, but I still blame him for teaming up with Sarah Palin, a decision which I feel catalyzed the process that eventually made President Trump possible.

We already have Pence. Who has been going to all the security briefings daily? Pence. But on top of that, we ALSO have Trump. I think Pence is evil, but I also think he is not insane. Trump is an excellent distraction and obfuscator for the GOP. Trump draws attention to his own wild antics and away from what Ryan and

At this rate, the wall he’s so amped about building will be completely unnecessary. America will be such a dump that no one will want to immigrate here, legally or illegally.

America was relatively great.

Maybe the hard tortilla shell from his taco salad could lacerate his throat? A girl can dream.

McCain, Graham and many others in the old moderate GOP may be Small Government and bad to awful at minority rights but at least they play the game fairly and respectfully. They at least talk with those who disagree with them and will usually listen if the evidence is presented before them.

This is a man with no policy other than “LOOK AT ME, LOOK HOW FUCKING GREAT I AM, I’M PRESIDENT”.

Assuming we continue to have elections.

DONALD TRUMP 1946-2017