“Well clearly you just don’t understand how MY voting for Third Party showed everyone what a stand up person I AM and how progressive I AM so I’m sorry if YOU can’t understand that while voting for #Shillary”
“Well clearly you just don’t understand how MY voting for Third Party showed everyone what a stand up person I AM and how progressive I AM so I’m sorry if YOU can’t understand that while voting for #Shillary”
Meanwhile I’m insured through Obamacare and pregnant and terrified. Thanks a lot, assholes.
“liberals who need constant reminding that the GOP have no interest in responsible governing.”
This might be wrong but as much as I hate Trump, I hate Paul Ryan even more.
Any person who pushes the “felt like she deserved the presidency” or “she thought is was her time” narrative is a man, obviously. I haven’t heard a single woman say such a thing.
Seriously. If you’re progressive, you only had one choice, like her or not. I don’t understand a third-party vote, a protest for Bernie (and I liked him in the primaries, til he lost) or not showing up.
And I am *still* having to argue with people on this site about Clinton and her apparent...conceit? Arrogance? As the pillars of progressive reform are toppling down one by one, these people aren’t blaming the people actually doing the damage. They aren’t blaming the voters who can’t see past the end of their own…
Yeah, we know full well the Republican Party—not just Paul Ryan—is an enemy to the working class. But we need to be up on the fuckery so we can hold these goniffs accountable.
Vox has a very interesting article about how racism and sexism got Trumplestiltskin elected, not the financially challenged.
Paul Ryan also is fairly young—mid 40s. He’s the first presidential/vice presidential candidate to be younger than I am. That he is so selfishly cruel and mean just appalls me.
Ryan is hatred with it’s hair combed.
But but but... her emails!
I’m still angry at people who didn’t give enough of a shit to vote, voted third party because they thought HRC was “the same” or worse than Trump, and those that voted Trump as a fun little protest vote, not thinking he’d actually be elected
Call me when Trump becomes a protected class. Actually, that may not be far off. I’m sure he’ll fix it so that he is.
“Everyone’s feelings are valid, and they should have the right to refuse catering to someone if they so wish.”
No. We as a country decided civil rights were a thing and that discrimination was a bad thing.
No, our fears are founded in reality. Based on things he has actually said. Conservatives fears about Obama were based in fantasy, based on Obama’s black skin and name.
Yeah, no. You are straight up lying here. As someone else said in an earlier comment: Those who have |actually| seen a Rockette performance know that their audience is by and large families. You are literally making your point up out of thin air. Stop.
Yup. I’ve had to listen to my mother say “not my president” for the last 8 years, then suddenly, “trump’s your president too.” Give me a fucking break.
No. Running a business open to the public then refusing service to a particular minority group that hasn’t committed any crime is not fucking the same as forcing people to perform in honor of an incredibly powerful, rich person who has espoused all kinds of dangerous and hateful positions.
...Dolan responded that he hadn’t seen hate from anyone on the pro-Trump side