
I’m sorry, in the future I’ll run all of my emotional reactions past strangers on the Internet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I always sorta thought that the point of the United States was that “America has no king. America needs no king.” Does someone need to hire Sean Bean to say that on camera?

Everything they do is couched in “plausible deniability.”

Maybe they were saying nuking, not New King.

The media better make this a big fucking deal. To call the President Elect the “new king” and equate him with Jesus Christ while being the leader of a Democracy is absolutely and objectively terrifying.

Between this and Gingrich referring to him as ‘my leader’ the other day, the Republicans are really letting their authoritarianism shine through.

I’ve noticed they all refer to him in this weird Kim Jung Un-ish great leader sort of way lately. Stuff like ‘he’s the boss I’m just honored to serve and be a part of making America great again.’ And parroting the delusional stuff he says, like that he won in a landslide victory. It is really strange and oddly

This is about the pithiest thing I’ve read so far about the election. Ultimately, they’re following the Koch brothers’ line—as William F Buckley, of all fucking people, put it, they’re “anarcho-totalitarians” who want to prevent the government from ever helping anybody—and plus it benefits their selfish bullshit.

Patriotism and Religiosity share the same zip code.

Blasphemy is a victimless crime.

This is the darkest timeline.

It’s like they decided to curb-stomp both Jesus and the Constitution at once.

Having been raised evangelical, I was already well aware of how hypocritical and dishonest evangelicals tend to be, but it was “nice” to watch them spell it out so unmistakablely.

They’d have plausible deniability if they hadn’t said “this” Christmas heralds the coming of a new King.

By the way, the Wise Men didn’t show up until the Epiphany, which is not today. Good thing they know their Christianity.

This year has destroyed the small bit of respect I had for evangelicals. You vote 3:1 for the walking embodiement of all seven deadly sins and then say I can’t have an IUD because of Jesus? Fuck off.

It’s not like they haven’t been told ad nauseam,about no gods before me, golden idols, etc., etc. It would appear they cherry picked what they wanted to believe.

The main takeaway from this election: the bulk of Mormons genuinely believe the ethical redlines in their scriptures, the bulk of evangelicals are exactly the craven amoral fucknuts everyone else has always suspected.

“Teen Vogue” doing what mainstream media critics aren’t willing to, Especially by name, and to the perpetrator’s face.

Yep, me too. You morons deserve to be left by the side of the road, just like your dad threatened to for kicking the back of his seat for five hundred miles. You wouldn’t listen.