
I think I get this— I wake suddenly, with a foreboding sense that something evil is in the room with me, and that I must keep very, very still so it doesn’t attack me. But I always feel like I could move, it’s just imperative that I don’t. Next time it happens, I’ll move despite feeling like i shouldn’t, see if I can.

“Ultra” left? Dafuq you ranting about?

Yeah that world begins January 20th idiot. Republicans don’t give a shit about precedent. Obama tried to reach across the aisle and they spat in his face by betraying the country to foreign rule just so they could have the power to perpetuate their trickle-down theocracy.

“Do you want to live in a world where an ultra-far right President can say, “Fuck it, I’m king for life; deal with it”

A democratic election? We have interference from a foreign government, interference from the FBI, widespread voter suppression under the guise of a problem that doesn’t even exist, voting instrumentation so flawed that they can’t even do a proper recount in Michigan, laughably transparent gerrymandering, an outmoded,

And if that fails, I’m down with Canada taking over and Justin Trudeau pulling double duty. It’d be the nicest invasion ever.

My aunt can be overly religious at the weirdest times. About two years ago she told me that the world was going to end soon, so I shouldn’t worry so much about my serious health issues (very comforting, I know). Of course I wanted to know what the hell she was thinking or what she was being feed. No shit, she told me

First, most intelligence agencies are on the same page that Russia is responsible. Second, are you honestly comparing countries donating to the Clinton Foundation, which does great work BTW, the same as hacking and releasing information to throw an election?

There is NO dispute that Russia was involved. The dispute is: the CIA made a report where they stated that they had enough information to know the intent behind Russia’s actions. The FBI doesn’t think there is enough evidence to know Russia’s intent. No agency is saying Russia didn’t do it.

And the casual way you Republicans are more than ok with a foreign government interfering in our election because your guy won is more than alarming. If it was Clinton Russia was helping you and your Republican friends would be reacting just a little differently.

The Electoral College has the authority to reject Trump.

It would be better to have the hard evidence in the next three days.

No, I don’t want that, but in the little bit of time he has left I hope he is able to expose Trump or some of his people as ha in his knowledge of or encouraging the hacks. Something that can’t be ignored. If there isn’t any hard evidence before the inauguration we’ll never hear about this again.

If there’s one Obama conspiracy I hope is true, it’s that he’ll declare martial law and try to claim a 3rd term.

Kid’s real last words... “Santa, you’re sitting on my I.V.”

Unless he killed the boy to make it a good story. You don’t watch enough law and order!

People that say facts are facts—they’re not really facts. Everybody has a way—it’s kind of like looking at ratings, or looking at a glass of half-full water. Everybody has a way of interpreting them to be the truth, or not truth. There’s no such thing, unfortunately, anymore as facts.

Did I ever tell you guys about this one time when it was almost Christmas time, and there I stood in another line trying to buy that last gift or two, not really in the Christmas mood. And standing right in front of me was a little boy waiting anxiously, pacing around like little boys do. And in his hands he held a

Look, there are only so many hours in the day and their hair doesn’t look perfect onscreen all on it’s own.

Not surprised. I covered a story where a hs girl claimed her high school was preventing her from purchasing a year book page to honor a classmate who died. I couldn’t verify it and told my editor not to run it, the other papers went with it. They had to print a retraction. Lesson is, always verify never assume. Simple