
Agreed. The message saying quite literally Fuck this guy is the definition of Not Shade.

You know in all those unsafe sex commercials they say every time you don’t use protection you are sleeping with everyone else that person has slept with so in a way... he already has.

He’s not elevem guys, case closed.

“Then the Chinese couple from across the street came over and said: ‘You released that baby from prison.’ That felt good.””

It’s not like she couldn’t have predicted a Flint question would come up in a debate set in Michigan.

Meanwhile, the staff of The Star is trying to figure out where their online traffic spike is coming from!

And the whole while, the stories were coming from INSIDE THE KINJA!

Lewandowski is a Trump/Republican partisan. Brazile is a Clinton/Democrat partisan. That’s okay and what they were both hired to do on CNN - provide the narrative for half of the viewing population. The difference is Brazile leaked company information to a political candidate at the (potential) expensve of another and

It is still ridiculously FUCKED UP and if I choose to act like it isn’t that just makes me a dumbass, honestly.

We can still act holier than thou.

GODDAMMIT. These WikiLeaks emails are making it REALLY HARD for me to continue to act holier than thou around my republican acquaintances. Get your shit together, democrats!

But it doesn’t explain how they were downloaded onto the laptop’s hard drive. You can sync all day to a mail program, but you’re reading the mail on yahoo’s server. You have to change the default settings to download emails onto your own drive. Most of us don’t do that because of space constrictions on our laptops.

emails on a machine were either zipped as a back-up, sync’d for off-line access, or the email account wasn’t severed. The first two actions would have to have been done by the email account holder ... unless the spouse had access and did the nefarious deed because they are a huge slimy turd (aka Anthony Weiner).

yep, these emails are nothing new. What is “new” is that they were found on a different device than what was reported or turned over to the FBI. If any of the emails were then fwd’d off Weiner’s laptop to people & places unknown then Anthony could get some felony charges. The crime is Anthony’s, not Huma’s or

even more reason why this is ridiculous. Clearly these emails were present on the server and therefore have already been processed.

Which is why it’s being reported that the DOJ is investigating HIM. The FBI has an unofficial policy that releasing sensitive info about candidates in the 60 days prior to an election is just NOT. DONE.

Nah man. Hillary is a liar, and she put the country at risk with her e-mails and then she killed those dudes personally in Benghazi. Trump and all his shady shit are fine. It’s fine because he is going to make America Great Again for white people.

No lie, that’s fantastic. My family has quite a few IBS and Crohns disease sufferers and both conditions are truly embarrassing when you’re “caught short” in public. It’s a constant worry. My digestive issues are much milder than many of my relatives’, and for that I feel lucky. I can usually sense the signs of a

I just envy people who can sleep that soundly in a tent, since I never can! :)