
Based on both her dating history and recent choices of films, I feel like Jennifer Anniston is a much more fun-loving and free-spirited person than Brad. While he decided to settle down into a long term relationship and have a gaggle of kids while making movies like that terrible romance one from last year with his

Huh I think of trifling as a Britishism! Underused here for sure, but I’m glad it’s getting a resurgence. Maybe knackered could be next? I love that word.

Strange days indeed...

I never thought I would see the day when Brad Pitt was single and George Clooney was married. These are strange days.

I would pay Kelly to smash Conway in the nose with a full bottle of Rolling Rock

Melania must have to take a lot of medication (self or prescribed) to get through a night with this guy.

He’s got way too much confidence for a man with a toddler body.

What I love about the constant harping about the weight of other people is that he’s no athletic specimen himself. Glass houses, stones, all that.

‘Huh. I did not know that story’ translating to “OH MY GOD NOOOOOO”

I’m 100% sure Kellyanne Conway did her level best to drill into his head how devastating the misogyny is (those ads are killing him), but it just didn’t register. He doesn’t seem to understand that it’s a problem for women, who are more than half of voters, as well as thinking men, or those with daughters and

Even those fuckers at Fox are starting to realize the kind of monster they’ve created. We are truly living through some interesting times, folks.

I love how their faces kind of collectively freeze as he starts to talk about Ms. Universe having “gained a lot of weight.” Like they’re all thinking “Shut up shut up SHUT UP WHAT ARE YOU DOING.”

David Bowie was apparently the linchpin holding the universe together.

Their next tweet is pretty good. Someone in the Lawrence police department has a sense of humor:

Someone on my Facebook shared this, just now, and I have to spread it around, because it’s amazing. Note the tiny hands:

And there’s the “we should have taken their (Iraq’s) oil to prevent the rise of ISIS/L.” Dude, that’s contrary to the Geneva Convention. It’s a war crime. The type that ends with lots of people either at The Hague or permanently unable to go anywhere that has extradition. And even Bed Bath and Beyond doesn’t have

I think “undecideds” are simply people who want to vote for Trump and are looking for any sliver of him looking remotely “presidential” like those delegates who were begging Cruz to endorse Donald. Donald did barely clear that bar so I guess he won...

Actually all presidential debates are split screen. But in this case, it was pure magic. It was like watching a mom with a patient but meaningful raised eyebrow waiting for her toddler to wind down after a sugar high.

Joke’s on you. The coupon is for a bloomin’ onion. :P lol

No one cares about your t-boner.