
I loved watching Trump tie himself into a Gordian knot trying to explain his stances on his tax returns, support for the Iraq war, and birtherism.

Fat fuck himself.

It’s hilarious that Trump accused Hillary for ‘not having stamina’, while he couldn’t stand for 60 minutes of a debate without panting, sweating, and sniffling, while she stood there smiling, fresh as a daisy.

I wish I could be more clever but, “Fuck you Donald. You got owned by Hillary tonight.”

Same way Monica Lewinsky met the admissions criteria: money.

So many people have devoted 25+ years of their lives to obtaining a PhD, academic research, and writing to teach at a world renowned university. If Angelina Jolie was teaching my class I would want my money back.

Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts also bit the dust, per People. :(

Woah. Getting major Joel Grey vibes in this photo. By that I mean he looks like a vaguely sinister marrionette doll.

How could anyone possibly be that sad while petting that dog!?

Because the majority of Harry’s work in Africa and on behalf of Invictus is not done on behalf of the Queen. That’s why it is not listed in the circular.

Harry is also involved in your so-called ‘half-hearted’ mental health initiative. Maybe to you the concept of mental health support for children and teens is not important but for the people who benefit from it, it is.

Obama is just kid person. His face lights up. He gets down to their level. He talks to them and not at them. Children pick up on that. They love that.

Guaranteed NO ONE has ever offered to high five Price George and he’s thinking “What barbarity is this Canadian greeting?”

That was a few people visiting in his home at 7pm. This was a giant crowd, at an airport at midnight George’s time. I’m honestly impressed that both kids weren’t wailing.

And at the same time is such a mom... The jiggling infant, squatting down to check in with her toddler and making him smile. ❤️

I’ve long said give-no-fucks Hillary is going to put give-no-fucks Obama to shame, because she’s been bottling it up since before he was born.

she basically single handedly reduced Lybia to a failed state

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

That and “stop resisting”. Wasn’t there video a few months ago of cops swarming over a dead guy “stop resisting, stop resisting!” while he just lay there and violently decomposed at them?

That’s what I don’t get. Let’s assume for one moment he did have a gun (I don’t believe he did, but I wasn’t there). The man is in his car and not an immediate danger, you have someone who obviously knows him on scene, why would you not have one officer go over and speak with her to see if she knows a way to get him