Is that you, Ayelet?
Is that you, Ayelet?
((hugs)) right there with you. I stepped between my parents having a physical fight once, as a teen. My dad held me down and burned me with his cigarette and spit in my face. Then my mother made excuses for him. I couldn’t move out of that house fast enough.
Once you’re legally allowed to buy booze, “temper tantrums” are off the table, especially in front of your kids. If Brad, an adult man in his 50s, was having temper tantrums, then no one else was “ruling the roost” because big adult babies being indulged to the point of having tantrums are the ones ruling everyone…
I hate that verbal abuse, especially against kids, it seen as no big deal when verbal abuse can cause lasting hurt/damage.
do you think that maybe this belies a pattern of abuse? like brad abusing angelina? like i feel like maddox sticking up for his mom might be the result of seeing this go on for a long time and finally having enough. but i don’t have any experience in this, and of course this is all speculation.
I think it’s pretty obvious TMZ is getting it’s leaks from Angelina. And that makes me sad for both of them. :-/
Fun with Speculation Day 3. Best guess: The marriage was already over from Jolie’s perspective--this much had either been discussed or indicated. The entire family boarded a trans-Atlantic flight despite simmering hostilities between Pitt and Jolie. My guess would be that she probably made it clear that she didn’t…
Scary how money, looks and fame are no protection against domestic violence. I have friends who stood up for their mom to their abusive dads and yeah, they were about Maddox’s age when it started. And yes, it typically did not end with dad going “oh I see your point, thanks.” Dammit Brad be better than this.
I don’t understand these drunken rage-fests. All I have are drunken sleep-fests.
Brad Pitt, though I feel a little reluctant to throw that down before all (or any, really) facts are established.
Yeah, her security was absolutely no help, if you look at the video. She’s so very tiny that a not-very-fit man was able to pick her completely up and start to carry her away before she clocked him. It isn’t clear to me that if it came down to an actual fight she would have won -- he doesn’t seem that fazed by being…
I *hope* she fired them after this. They mismanaged that entire exit, let her and her sister get separated by the crowd and that creepy hat dude rubbed up on her twice before he just grabbed her midsection.
I wonder if she fired them after this. She’s better security than any bodyguard who was there!
Brad’s side, as fed to People, looks really bad. Admits he was drunk on the plane, arguing with Angelina. One of the older boys gets between them and they go nose to nose. Admitted parent-child argument wasn’t handled properly: Brad didn’t hit the kid in the face, but did put hands on him. But no one was harmed.…
Good for Gigi. I may or may not have cheered when I saw the video of her cursing him out and trying to chase him. That “prankster” is a fucking asshole for the shit he pulls, and I hope she gave him a black eye.
Jennifer Aniston filed for divorce. Brad thought he could have both women, apparently. I don’t care for Brad Pitt. If there is anyone to “blame” in this mess, my money is on Brad.
See, to me that shows somewhat bad character on her part, but incredibly bad character on the part of the men she was with. Like, it’s one thing as a single person to sleep with a person who is in a relationship. It is so much worse to be the person who has made a commitment to one person and then run around behind…
Right, Brad consciously cheated. Brad filed for divorce from Jennifer.
That was a big part of my problem with him for the whole Jen/Ange thing, instead of just stating he was a grown man who made a decision to end his marriage because he fell out of love with one woman and in love with another, he just let the media have a free for all on two women who were/are important to him, and…
Um, right now it looks like basically everything that’s come out is making him look bad, not her. If the Patriarchy is trying to manipulate the message to get people to blame Angelina, it sure isn’t working so far.