See this cat Taft is a bad mother...
See this cat Taft is a bad mother...
Ooh, I agreed with lots of what people were saying up until this. I think he’s actually a very good character actor who happens to get inappropriately cast as the lead because he’s handsome.
Ivanka Riefenstahl. It has a certain ring to it.
It is not the nation that failed with these 2 candidates.
I also enjoy the part where the news site screwed over a guy who had the right to make a buck off of this fuck up just to have the bigger story.
hello darkness, my old friend
I absolutely loathe Eddie Redmayne. He is The Worst (TM).
But, too be clear, he was by far the bigger loser, because the public expects this kind of behavior from Taylor. Tom’s entrance into this circus was bizarre. He’s going to take a bigger hit from this than she is. Her PR team is next-level.
Do you also hate Eddie Redmayne? I inexplicably loathe all three of them. I blame Eton College.
I want him to win and thank Kim & Kanye. Now *that* would be the ultimate kick in the teeth.
I was actually sort of rooting for them.
Lol, nice try. If you think a dog who has drawn blood on multiple people on multiple occasions, has to be muzzled constantly, and has even attacked his owners needs to remain in their care and remain a risk to literally everyone around him, you’re the problem. I have seen, firsthand, these dogs and the results of…
I think the dog issue is an indicator of Glass and Alani’s general attitude toward other people.
Agreed. After reading about that tragic dog I can believe Ira Glass and his wife live in filth
I mean, how hard is it to scan for life signs?
Believe it my friend.
Jewel’s response is lovely: