
She’s manic pixie dream-shaped.

I read this article. It’s great. The evolution of hatred towards Clinton, for insubstantial things like her tone and her personality, reveal that there isn’t a logical or permanent reason for the veteran Clinton haters. They bear the constantly evolving face that misogyny must take, in modern times when we’re so

Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(

Ugh I feel bad for Britney on this one. It reads as funny/shady but like, how many people do you think she’s taken pics with in her life? How many people are like ‘OMG BRITNEY’ and she’s supposed to remember every single one? I mean, lol because Taylor is mega-famous now but I’m willing to give Britney a pass on not

He and his brother both almost always look like they’re in some cheesy non-premium cable knockoff of “Twilight.”

this baby nero looks like he’d slit my throat to use my blood as rouge. no.

When multiple members of an offspring suffer from affluenza you know who gave it to them: their parents.

To birth one asshole may be regarded as a misfortune (see Chet Haze and Tom Hanks); to birth two looks like bad parenting.

The lip color/shirt doesn’t really work with his coloring, and he’s wearing way too much foundation or concealer or spackle or whatever that is.

Right? I’m 34 and I’m like, nope. This kid looks like he’s in high school. I imagine he smells like Axe body spray, hair gel, and weed. Or, like, an Abercrombie & Fitch, Red Bull, and the Febreeze his mother sprays around his bedroom. Nope.

I remember seeing an interview with her mom years ago and you could tell she was so incredibly was so beyond sad, she was just incomprehensibly devastated and unable to most moms would she is even able to stay alive is beyond me....I totally think Gary Comdit is involved...awful

I was startled to see her face on the Washington Post’s homepage yesterday. A real blast from the past. A Clinton is running for the White House, Donald Trump is in the news, Pokemon is wildly popular: We’re living in the 90s again!

Still do not understand/remember why Condit is not a suspect. If I remember correctly, he didn’t have an alibi. Does anyone else remember?

SNL’s own Church Lady comments...

I remember somebody saying something somewhere about not judging other people. And maybe going on to say that if you do so, you shall also be judged in the same way. Now who could that have been....

Allow me to calleth bullshit on these lines: “I am not happy to write this kind of essay. Not at all. I do not like to do it.”

Also, going the other way, I want more scenes where Bear Grylls disappears into a thicket we hear animal noises and are left wondering ‘did he just do it with a wild animal? Or is that just for the cameras?’

ok assuming (probably erroneously) she didn’t eat the rose expressly for the purpose of getting noticed for eating a rose:

Sander’s own former press secretary came out and said the election wasn’t rigged! Hillary won more states, fair and square. Most of the emails from the leak were from long after the delegate count was not in Bernie’s favor. I voted for him in the primary too because I want a Dem party that is further left. And Bernie

because i don't care whether or not what i type on the internet "helps"