
benefit of the doubt though: we wouldn't applaud a football player for playing through a concussion that could harm him for life. Her spirit is admirable and I understand that need to finish but when your body is shutting down and you rely on it for your livelihood, you have to listen.

The runner part of me thinks this is awesome.

Sounds to me like you are young, have plenty of free time, and probably do not have children.

I'm betting crossfit. It's always crossfit.

You really shouldn't run in Chuck Taylors.

Yeah, I have to disagree with Mark that there was "only one way to handle it." This probably felt cathartic at the time, but it's not a good look.

No, that's not a good way of handling it. That just spreads more pus around. And no doubt her inlaws are now concerned about who's joining their family.

If you're a grownup (and if you're getting married, you should be one of these) and you don't want to invite people to your function, don't. That's it. Full stop. If

And again, North West had a WONDERFUL time at the shows. Hey 'parents', maybe your accessory has a better time at home with her nanny?

The main character's name is Christian. I am an Episcopalian. I do not want to go to a movie that will challenge my faith.

The main problem (apart from being abusive TWILIGHT FANFICTION) is that they tried SO VERY HARD to make this a serious movie. A movie with gravitas AND fucking. I've seen trailers for war films that were more lighthearted. I bet if they had gone a little camp it would have still been abysmal but in a rowdy, drunk cult

Its okay, they can just break her arms and spine next.

Hey, the director is her number one fan.

Who the hell is the director of the modeling school?

What a baller thing to admit. Zero fucks given.

"I think she likes sex already."

"I think she likes sex already."

I'm naming firstborn Snowqueen's Icedragon Ryan.

couldn't a woman run away from a rapist much the same way a dolphin swims away?

I'm sorry, this man obviously has many, many troubles but he abused an animal. It's being played for laughs and shock value but that's what happened and I wish those who report on this story would stop dancing around that fact. This isn't too far from young kids who are physically or sexually abused in the home who