
Yeah, that definitely doesn't look like plastic surgery to me, at all. Just a tan, different hair color and style, and dramatically different makeup. Everything about her face is pretty obviously structurally/texturally the same.

I'm bereft. Don't go, Jon! Especially not before the 2016 election! First Colbert, now you! THIS IS THE DARKEST TIME LINE.

Hey guess what, I'm a vet, and I served with ALL KINDS of douchebags. You must be one of those right-wingers that think we want and/or need people like you kissing our asses all the time and serenading us with Toby Keith while throwing "Support Our Troops" magnets at us. We don't. We are not that stupid and don't

Speaking as a DB veteran, I find that highly offensive.

Assuming your story is true - ever think that this individual is scraping or otherwise sacrificing to afford to eat pizza (Which is fairly cheap) so they can feel not so broke? Or depending it might be an easier situation than cooking for unknown reasons. The point being, instead of mounting your high horse and going

I love everything you are doing right now never stop.

So is this just a perk of food service? If I was an auto mechanic and a customer pissed me off, could I tamper with their brakes? That's cool, right? Of if I was an X-ray technician could I just leave the machine on a leeeetle bit longer for someone I didn't like?

... so your motivation for fucking a guy over who is on welfare, which last time I checked pays out dick-all, was that he didn't give enough of that welfare money to you as a tip? Like, if he'd tipped you "well" you wouldn't have fucked with him, right?

Who the fuck are you to decide where and how this person gets to spend their "welfare money"? Do you even know why he was on assistance? Like maybe he is a vet or disabled or mentally ill - none of which is any of your self-righteous, dim-witted, shit for brains business.

Yeah. You suck. That guy very well might have sucked as well, but you sure as fuck don't get the white hat, cowboy.

Just to let you know, I earmarked my tax money to pay for this particular guy's pizza, so lay the fuck off. It's paid for, we got it covered.

no. you get a set amount of dollars to do with as you please. if he wants to use his food budget on pizza, so be it. just because he is in need of assistance doesn't mean you get to dictate what he gets to use the welfare money on.

The upside is that, if anyone has ever deserved a shitty tip, it's you!

Those ungrateful Poors. Obviously wasting money they clearly don't deserve.

But then it would have shown the world that Beyonce is only an adequate singer in comparison.

i would imagine that often, when artists do something like this, it's meant to be an homage, but still comes from a selfish, narcissistic place that i honestly can't even blame on them, since their entire world involves people pandering and bending over backwards.

Bey would never sing WITH Ledisi because Ledisi would blow her out the water. I enjoy Beyonce's entertainment

Beck should have sung it.