
Seeing "gird your loins" makes me wish for a sequel that features prolonged swords and sandals battle sequences.

Shatner probably didn't kill his wife. The autopsy showed a bruise across the back of the head consistent with her bumping her head on the side of the pool, perhaps as she jumped or dove in.

earlier this afternoon, when someone said it was well documented that i am a bully.

I want pictures from the red carpet. I do not need to see celebrities walking out of whole foods with their family, wtf?

I'm not saying there may not exist mitigating factors. But to completely ignore his participation in the death of another human being is not justifiable. He was not "involved" he caused the crash.

If he didn't notice them tailing him till he hit the freeway and he had some his kids in the car he may have thought they were trying to force him off the road, or kill him, or stage a kidnapping. It's not like they flashed their paparazzi-lights to identify themselves. The blame is on the people pursuing him.

it should be illegal to do what most of the papparazzi does. it's straight up stalking and invasion of privacy, etc. i am not going to act like i am not a consumer but jesus h christ.

I see these people IRL out there taking these pictures. ALL DAY LONG. All I can do is

Be fair; as a wife, I have given less than enthusiastic consent on occasion — it's still consent.


I'm convinced he's a sociopath. There's nothing behind his eyes.. Even when he's himself, it feels like he's acting. So it's like he is only acting how he thinks normal people act.

This gif is killing me. Is this a continuous shot? Cooper is already looking at him when other dudes is raising hand to salute. Then camera switches and its the exact opposite, hands up while Cooper turns to look at him. Cunfusing

OMG thankyou. I feel that way too! I hate him for no explicable reason? always have. Something about him makes me feel like hes the biggest asshole or something? creeps me out (my friends all think im nuts)

Every time I see Bradley Cooper, I'm overcome with an inescapable feeling that the man oozes sleaze. I really can't explain it: I can't think of any other actor that I have the same reaction with. There's just something about him that I can't quite put my finger on.

hope next time rick gets captured someone ties him down and shaves him.

I sat at my computer for hours earlier today wondering what I was going to write on this post. I never came up with a single sentence. It's fitting, I think, because you mean more to me than I know how to express. My life, in tangible and intangible ways too myriad to mention, is so much better for having met you.

I literally snorted when I read that! Bravo!

that's actually a good argument.

That's all true, but the fawning press should leave out sentences like this one...

This is just bad business on the part of the dealership owner and management.