
Jeopardy with pre dinner cheez-its and wine? Can my mom and I come over and join you guys?

Shit happens and you can't plan for everything...

My family members have traveled to Jamaica many times and on one of those trips, my aunts were taken essentially taken hostage in broad daylight. Imagine riding around in a rented, non-descript van with two armed men as one of them strokes your hair. Imagine wondering whether or not you'd be raped and/or killed. They

That is sadly Juergen Teller's signature style. I call it the "Oh shit, I have a photo shoot today and I don't have any cameras; better go get a disposable camera from CVS" look.

They look like bad instagrams set in a hotel room with a vibrating bed that last saw an update in 1978.

Oh, jeez. I don't like either of these women, but literally anyone can be caught in a picture or a still shot from a TV show and look like a dumbass. It doesn't mean they don't have real emotions and it doesn't mean they don't feel some sort of emotion about what they're doing. This is just lazy, Joan Callamezzo-style

I don't know anything about the parties involved but can I just say...girlfriend was wearing the fuck out of those jeans and boots!

I think there are enough situations where people do not get drunk and throw themselves at fellow sports fans to say maybe we don't, as a nation, have a problem. But she, individually, might.

I honestly don't believe she did this.

Ehhh, she's not that bad. She's a kid who is very, very famous and has been most of her life. I don't clutch my pearls about her the way a lot of people do.

The RNLI are absolute heros, who never get enough credit. My family business is a fishmongers, and my dad has had some real nasty experiences out at sea - being a fisherman is more dangerous, statistically, than being in the army. They have saved him, and many other people I know, from some really scary situations.

This is ridiculous. He's saying if you were in a black neighborhood, Lasonia could be a girl's name, but in an italian restaurant you would be referring to the food and thus it would be Lasagna. The "black people are stupid" is something you've read into it yourself and is not the point of the joke. He removed the

Who the FUCK starred that fucking comment?

Thank you for this. Seriously. This is just ridiculous. It was clearly said lightheartedly and in jest. To remotely accuse Steve Martin, who's co-starred with every ethnicity imaginable, of being a racist is just ridiculous. He deleted the comment for one reason only: people like the Jezzie-crazies would attack

mm, no, I'd say what's so awful is that a little boy who was probably looking forward to the first Christmas he's fully be aware of, in his jammies, was fucking murdered by his asshole father for spite.

That's... exactly why I had to have one done while delivering my son. He needed to be delivered faster because he was starting to go into distress (cord compression). The episiotomy worked to get him out with the next push, which meant no more cord compression, no more fetal distress, no need for vacuum extraction,

For a tenth of a second when I saw this headline I thought it was Wednesday. And I was excited. Then I remembered it is still Monday. Then I was sad. Stop playing wity my emotions, Dodai!

Well in all fairness, something about the President taking a selfie really unnerves me.

I'd like to thank all the little people I climbed over to get here. Mom, dad, other all know who you are. Those people. I couldn't have been bleeding obvious w/o you.

This is very hard for me to type, but I am going to anyway. Hopefully I won't get flamed by people who think I am grieving wrong, or am not even real, or that they somehow know they would behave the "right" way as a widow