
Before someone makes an asshole comment about white people adopting brown kids from 3rd world countries, I would like to tell you to shut up! My family has brown kids adopted from a 3rd world country and you know what, there is nothing bad about it. There are people who think "oh look they "saved" those kids". But it

I was a huge fan as well. I read this news about the poisoning last week and thought, "Finally." I disagree with Callie that it's shocking at all - it just seemed so obvious that there was more to this whole thing.

My heart breaks for his wife and kids too. For being married/related to this nutjob rapist scumbag.

There, Patterson introduced her to Thor...

It looks like Jennifer Lawrence was on the way to a toga party, then stopped in at Michael's to jazz up her outfit.

Dear Animal Welfare Advice Givers,

They fed the beast and this is what it has come to.

I don't think I've ever looked at a child and thought to myself that they were ugly... That's just sad behavior. :\

Wow, there is a lot of baby hate in this thread. Am I the only one who thinks babies are awesome, and it's usually the parents who are the obnoxious ones?

That's the only story I'll ever sanction about Bieber because it includes Toblerone.

Are we sure that Ariana Grande had not accidentally stumbled into a Tea Party rally? Those can be pretty negative and scary. Make your own sulfur joke.

I'm honestly confused at why almost everyone is calling this a beautiful story. Yes, this woman's life story and her passion and commitment are incredibly inspiring, but the fact that she died is most definitely not "lovely." I understand that everyone will die and that dying at an old age doing what you love is

Did she die because she hit her head? Because if so... :(

I actually wonder if that wasn't filmed after the reveal, because we don't hear the mom say she ate all the candy. It could have been:

Yes. As that one little boy said, "That's not very kind!"

As a parent I find this to be an unnecessary dick move. There's no "life lesson" here. Unless the life lesson is that you are being parented by people who will resort to asinine lemming pranks to get 5 seconds of Jimmy Kimmel fame. I'm most alarmed by the last kid. Seriously? That's funny? Mostly I find it

Hey, let's deliberately hurt children with lies, and then we can laugh as they weep. That will be awesome.

"Hey son, daddy is leaving and we will never see him again. It was all your fault."

Nursing boob - nipple covered by child's head. Apparently the most outrageous one, even more outrageous than a naked breast.