
I had a double lung transplant for cystic fibrosis 16 years ago, when I was 21. I have been fortunate enough to have sixteen incredibly healthy years without any lung issues. My life is fantastic and full. While I was waiting for my transplant there were former smokers with emphysema waiting along side me. We were

OH MY GOD. ALL THE TOUCHING. That was something I really didn't consider before getting tattoos. I have a chest piece and people just reach out and touch it all the time! I'm like "I don't even know you, why we already at 2nd base?"

My company's network ID format is first initial of first name and first 4 letters of last name. We all chuckle when we need to help Angela Holeman (AHOLE).

Michael Cera's into it

My mother is a flight attendant for United, and she will be the first one to tell you if you see a flight attendant, gate agent, pilot, etc. not doing their job, being rude, or generally acting like an asshole, you should ask them for their name (which they are required by the airline to give you) and then you should

"When she complained, an attendant casually observed what was happening but then "decided to attend to other duties.""

"All the shudders, forever"
Can we please keep a serious tone with this, and cut the cutesy 16 year old Tumblr kid bullshit?

That "dead eyed child" is sitting in his father's lap, wearing a Brooklyn jersey and totally enraptured by the game, probably having the time of his life. Doug, I think you have a dead-eyed soul. And my disgust with your stupid, flippant remark prompted me to make my first comment since the changeover to this godawful