
Oh, I’m definitely going to ignore it. :)

And I feel like I knew a lot of boys who drank in high school and managed not to sexually assault anyone. So very strange!


Thank you!

Me too! I’d rather watch Eugenie’s wedding than Harry’s, to be perfectly honest. She seems like a lovely person.

That’s incredibly sweet :)

Exactly! I don’t think that story is true, but if it were, Camilla would be wading right into it to disparage Kate’s intelligence.

Ugh ~ I just made the mistake of replying to that dumbfuck. It was the wine speaking. I’m so sorry. :(

And I’m sure you’re planning to adopt at least a couple of those babies, right?

Do you live in Maine, by any chance?

I saw a photo of Kavanaugh just this morning, taken when high school football player, and he was posed sticking his tongue out for the camera and looking like a massive, entitled douche. I just searched for the photo and it’s not coming up. Could it have been wiped between this morning and tonight??

And it strains credulity to the breaking point to think that *anyone* would have carried over 65(!) friendships from high school close enough for those people to be able to vouch for your character 35 years later. How stupid do they think we are, that we’d fall for that nonsense???

I’ve hated Les Moonves ever since he reuined, and then shitcanned, Star Trek Enterprise. It was made extra painful by the fact that I’m the only person who loved that show. ;)

I’m sorry, but her stuff is very, very ugly.

Please tell me Wallace Stegner wasn’t an asshole. I love Angle of Repose so much that it would break my heart if its author turned out to be a shitty person.

Hemsworth may be the Chris that’s easiest on the eyes, but Pine is fast becoming the most interesting Chris.

They’ll have to put a very high wall around his gravesite to prevent it being vandalized. Ironic, no?

I think the GoFundMe was more about LOOK AT MEEEEEEE than helping him. :(

That’s a really good point. Why didn’t they get him into a good residential rehab program from the get-go, instead of buying him a shitty car and a beat-up trailer, and expecting him to magically turn his life around? Of course they spent his money, but that aside, they seem not to have given a moment’s thought to

I’m so sorry. I’m crying now, too. :(