I love “hard fights are worth fighting” so much!
I’m in California and have contributed about $100 to his campaign, in several installments. I find him so inspiring ~ I get a strong Bobby Kennedy vibe from him, both physically and in his beliefs and speaking style. He’s a strong eventual Presidential contender, imo.
Did she have a lip reduction, too???
HAHAHAHA thank you! I was trying to figure out what that ridiculous hair reminded me of, and that’s it!!
Thank you so much. :)
Thank you. :)
Your comment surfaced a terrible memory for me ...
Trump already did, yesterday.
No one’s trying to spin anything, from what I’m reading. Argento is getting pretty savaged in the comments, and the articles are hardly favorable.
Jesus; that’s horrifying. I hate to bring Jimmy’s parents into this awful narrative, but what parent in their right mind would let their young child act in out such traumatizing scenes in such a disturbing movie??
i’m going to assume you’re not a parent of teenagers, but I am, and I can tell you with certainty that, although teenagers may physically resemble adults, they are NOT adults. If someone 20 years older than my 17-year old daughter or my 15-year old son got them drunk and had sex with them, the police would be at their…
The more I find out about this story, the more despicable I think she is.
Oh my gosh ~ that’s who he is?? He was great as young Kirk!
Nobody puts Brangelina in a corner!
Jennifer Garner is the absolute model of how to handle a divorce (from a moderately dickish partner) with grace and dignity. The more time goes by, the more I admire her. She has a chicken named Hennifer and a great Insta, too. :)
“Dug in community” sounds like Brad grew up in a hobbit house in the Shire. ;)
it’s one of the most hideous buildings I’ve ever seen. But then, the same could be said for every last thing Trump has ever put his grubby little mitts on.
Can everyone start calling these places what they are: prison camps? Or, to be more precise, TrumpCamps™.