
No one owes me anything. Did I say that? Am I whining? I didn't think so. If I wanted to whine, I have much bigger things to whine about.

I'm always glad to talk to reasonable people who are willing to correct me or tell me when and how I'm wrong, rather than just yell at me to leave. Thank you.

The thing about dismissing people as evil (or, just "not decent human beings) is that it lets you ignore the qualities you might share with them. Some "fun" (not really, more nightmarishly depressing than fun) with logic:

Aren't you a nice person? I'm not looking for attention or trolling. My main goal here is to work out my own issues, and that means putting them out there for public ridicule. I've learned a lot that way. I try to be as open and honest as I can because there is no reason to conceal myself from anyone, so I will

Well , I mean, mental illness is obviously part of the equation. I noticed a lot of people dismissing it. But between Guns/Misogyny/Right-wing vs. Mental Illness I am always like "Why not both?"

For the second paragraph, couldn't agree more. I don't pretend to be some great male feminist, but...women are people! That's

I'm of the opinion that it should be taken seriously as one of the best examples of a feminine protagonist in video game history. There is no aspect of her design, character, or gameplay that is not feminine, and nothing feminine that isn't also powerful. I could wax poetic about it, but I'll just say anyone who wants

I have medical skills and am military-trained! I have also not once in the past two years had a dangerous outburst of psychotic anger.

Is he white? I mean, his name s White, but he looks kinda Asian. Or, are Asians equated to white people when it comes to the default media assumption as to the cause of violence? (mental illness, obviously)

You meant this sarcastically, but it's actually very insightful. This person is obviously very mentally why did his poo brain direct that into violence against women? THAT is the question. Violent mental illness does not occur in a vacuum.

I probably didn't go far enough with 3. I should have added something like "But she seemed kinda distant during the whole thing and wouldn't speak to you the next day."

Oh, and I just realized I may have been unclear with "women receive sex passively." I meant is, that's a stereotype in our culture that in sex, men come out ahead in sex. Men gain something, women lose something; men seek it, women guard it; men want it, women tolerate it, etc. It's an obviously untrue stereotype, but

This is one of those odd cases where I'm not even sure what we're arguing about. I get the impression you either believe I'm female, or believe I'm excusing rapists who misunderstand consent.

You do bring up a point. I would like to consider myself a feminist, but sometimes I don't feel entirely worthy of the label. I have some archaic views that I haven't fully expunged myself of. My sexual fantasies are almost entirely degrading to women. I have a tendency to mansplain without realizing it and tend to

The issue is, a surprising number of men don't know what rape is. They think that:

I use what I call the D&D rule. Basically, I compare the results of a study to the results of a 3d6 roll for Intelligence or Wisdom in a D&D game. If it's about 25%, then that's everyone with 8 or lower, and thus, stupid. If it's about 10%, that's everyone with 6 or lower, and thus, really fucking stupid. If it's

Bayonetta is one of my favorite games of this console generation. Not just because of its tight mechanics, but because it has a really good (if also completely gonzo) story, and because of its dedication to being a feminine game.

Is it weird that one of my biggest gripes about MK9 was that when you rip off a woman's skin or otherwise damage her in the chest region, the flesh under her breasts is the same muscle substance as everywhere else, but in a boob shape? There should be a lump of fat there, otherwise it looks like the women just have

Ahem. Poison, regardless of equipment, identifies as a she. She wants us to use the feminine pronoun, so it's only polite to do so. I refer to the comic I posted elsewhere in this discussion for how I feel about the "truth" of the matter.