
It's funny to think that the entertainment industry thinks the swill they are cranking out is worth anything at all.

No- then they will blame pirating as the reason their "brilliant" business model failed.

NickJr seems strangely out of place among the other channels. Do you have a preschool age child, or do you simply need to get a Dora the Explorer fix every now and then?

Yes- I would definitely purchase a Win 7 tablet. As long as everything worked well, and the battery life was at least a couple hours.

"sadly though, i can think of at least 3 people i know that would salivate over this because they have more money than common sense and feel that having something like this would make them somehow better than those around them..."

Pandora works just fine for me. This service seems to be too much of a hassle for me to bother.

Making an omelette isn't all that difficult. It does require a little patience and attention to detail. If you are burning the omelette before it is cooked through, then you are using too much heat.

These commercials are funny. Made me laugh out loud.

A lot of the times when I have to mute my phone it is because I am in a place where cell phone interruption is not allowed or frowned upon. So pulling out my phone and tapping on the screen is not something I would want to do... For example: I'm in a movie theater. 5 minutes into the movie I remember oh crap, I left

So are you saying the entire world should stop everything it normally does and do.... what? What are we supposed to do in your opinion?

I disagree entirely. Streaming internet porn has changed my life. My right arm is twice as strong as my left.

Because Steve Jobs hasn't decided you need this yet.

That's a fairly inaccurate analogy.

I use Wanna make it 3 for 3?

When they add the ability to watch any particular football game ala carte I'll bite. I rarely get to watch my favorite teams play. In fact.. I watch so few things on TV ala carte TV would be awesome! But the networks would never agree to that. The way it is set up now, they can keep pumping out all sorts of sub-par

Damn it. And I just bought another PS3 a few weeks ago.. Oh well.

I have a fitted sheet on the bottom which I have secured with a few clamps and bungee cords. (I hate it when the bottom sheet gets loose and isn't smooth any more) I also clamp down the foot portion of my top sheet to the same place as as the fitted sheet to keep it more or less in place. I then have a comforter on

Dumb dumb dumb. Why can't they work WITH Netflix and give people movies they want to watch in a form they are willing to pay for! I'll pay for Netflix as long as it has content I want to watch. Making the content crappy on Netflix will make people cancel their memberships- possibly causing Netflix to go under. Yay!