Luckier (sometimes Luckless, sometimes Luckiest)

I hope you tease him mercilessly about that, because a surgeon afraid of ladyblood is hilarious.

I would imagine that 95% or more of us who become mothers will be "working mothers" at some point. I can't think of a single friend who has taken more than 7 years out of the workplace to raise kids as a SAHM (and actually, the one who took 7 years lived on a working farm, so I don't think that counts as SAHM.) Who

Try asking people you meet "what do you do for fun?" instead of "what do you do?" It's a great icebreaker.

In the words of Caitlin Moran (my spirit guide): “You can tell whether some misogynistic societal pressure is being exerted on women by calmly enquiring, ‘And are the men doing this, as well?’ If they aren’t, chances are you’re dealing with what we strident feminists refer to as ‘some total fucking bullshit’.”

Yes, but that's sort of like being a rodeo queen or "Ms. Asparagus 2010." They're scholarship pageants (not necessarily "beauty" because there's no swimsuit competition and are mostly skills/poise based) not a freaking noble title.

I have always heard, from every hairdresser ever, that my hair has "no texture." I have thick, bone-straight hair. I've always taken "no texture" to mean that barrettes, headbands and other fasteners slide right the hell out of it unless it's layered and full of sticky product.

Yes, we call the results of that method "nephews."

To clarify, in the Baby Veronica case the father's parental rights were never terminated and therefore the adoption was never finalized. It's very rare for a child placed with an adoptive family through a private adoption placement to be months or years later returned to her birthparent(s). Adoptions fall through,

I don't know if there's a way to private message in this system, but if there is, I'd be happy to talk further about our experience. Or, swing by reddit/r/adoption and find me there (similar name).

We're at the end of the foster license process to do foster-adopt. We've done multiple trainings on trans-racial adoption, both from the parents' and child's perspectives, and have seen how children of color need parents who commit to helping them connect with and be part of their culture. It's not an easy thing for

Bruce Willis is bobbing up in time to the Journey video. So much awesome.

It is one of those two for sure, and yes, Rio is the best.

Lindy wrote an epic piece on Gallagher a few years ago (pre-Jezebel). It was hilarious but also disturbing re: Gallagher's tea-partier tendencies and Trump-like ego.

His work is gorgeous. He can have all my money for those shoes.

It's just a theory, and on the white side, could easily also be used to "excuse" darker skin/hair to hide an ancestor of Middle Eastern, Indian (Pakistani, Bangladeshi, etc.) or other darker-than-white descent.

A theory I've heard (and think has merit) is that claiming Native ancestry was a way for white settlers in the west to excuse their darker hair/skin to hide a black ancestor, and for black settlers in the west to excuse their lighter skin and straighter hair to hide a white ancestor. Romanticism of Native people was

Thanks for clarifying. BTW, I've been picturing chain-smoking boobs all morning.

I don't think you're such a rare bird among the younger generation.