Luckier (sometimes Luckless, sometimes Luckiest)

He reminds me of the scary ghost preacher in Poltergeist 2. Is it just me?

This is what I want to say to Vanity Fair every month. I swear, I can't find a single issue that didn't have some mention of JFK, Jackie, the tragic John-John, or some other Kennedy. We really need to hold an intervention with Graydon Carter.

Oh honey, I think it's pretty.

They'd better not vacation in Washington, because our incest laws include step- and adopted children.

Ooh, I wish there was an App for that. I'd call it the "Virtual Dragon Kick of Truth" and it would be free, for Jezzies.

This warehouse is in the middle of Capitol Hill in Seattle - one of the most gentrified neighborhoods in the city. If she wants to stop gentrification, she needs to get in her time machine and go back to 1994, before any of the new construction there was begun.

Listen to Pandora on very loud. I get so much work done here on the weekends.

Her ladybits are rare and magical.

When Spike and Buffy knock the house down with their booty-knocking? *Best*

Back when I was an hourly employee pressured to work past my leaving time, I started leaving my lights on and an old sweater or jacket on my chair. People thought I was just in the bathroom or copy room, and I got tons of positive feedback about my work ethic. Then I became a lawyer and that trick doesn't work quite

I had the same thought, and then wondered if cutting the underwires out would help my friends who both had to have breast reconstruction after cancer/mastectomies. So, it's like Coco just did a public service.

Is it like my cat's bed, i.e., any place she damn well wants to sleep?

"Stop hurting my feelings with your logic" cried Mr. Tarascio, before he was picked up by a Waaaahmbulance and dropped off at the Big Baby Hospital.

Don't forget the wine. Since it starts as water, it will be very cheap, so good for your health and your budget!

"Just added to life's bucket list: Attend amazingly kitsch Bavarian-themed gay wedding in Leavenworth." I will be your plus-one, MoGlo.

Before Mr. Lucky and I got married (after 12 years of shacking up), I wrote to Dan Savage with this question. He suggested that we have a donor option on our registry for a pro-marriage equality nonprofit, and our registry at Macys also gave a percentage to our choice of nonprofits. And, of course, we included our

Well, to be fair, we are covered with cooties. Edited to ask, what's the UK equivalent of cooties?

Very good point.

Rose! Jack! Rose! Jack! (sorry, couldn't resist.)