
Snake and Ocelot's "solid" friendship is a territory where no Metal Gear game has gone before. But that's absolutely possible in Tomodachi Life. They look a bit different, but it's possible.

There's a common trope of framing Sarkeesian's work as "cherry-picked", as she takes isolated examples from many games and presents them as a stream of misogyny in order to create the illusion that all of these games are entirely misogynist, the entire way through. That's a fundamental misunderstanding of what it

I definitely agree with this, she's not acknowledging any of the games which work against sexism. We're at a point where it will be more constructive to look at the games that are doing right and promote them instead of putting down the games that have been sexist. (Especially if you haven't completely done your

Just from the comments section here, I can see that there are definitely plenty of people who actually can provide a rational, and more importantly, civil counterargument. I think the problem (and now that I think about it, quite ingenious on her part) is that she does things like disable comments on her video which

I don't read kotaku to read xposted Jezebel crap

Very true. She does not deserve any of the abuse she has had to endure.

My solution is quite clearly in the post: "If she really does investigative journalism she should go into a debate with both supporters and critics of her vids but she wont. She should look at both sides of the glass but she doesnt."

Like the Voltaire quote says "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

I disagree with her vehemently, because she doesn't understand narrative, and she's demonstrated that many times, and many of the "tropes" she uses are far more multi-faceted than she even begins to admit to (The Damsel in Distress being the big one), and I feel she should be ignored because she's a terrible academic.

It's a easy way to dismiss the critics who might have good points. To be fair, I just think the hostile enviroment around the subject makes people really extreme about it.

A) She hardly had to do that. Anyone who's spent a day on gaming internet message boards knows it's never real. I'm in no way defending the ***hats who were actually harassing her, but let's not claim her life or safety was in any danger. The whole calling the police this was just a neat marketing gimmick, and

To me, this well is beyond poisoned. Debating her ideas is impossible because of extremes from both side foaming at the mouth at anyone who doesn't agree with them. This is why me, and those smarter than me, have withdrawn from anything relating to her and her views. You get torn to pieces for not agreeing with the

Exactly. You can disagree with her and also condemn the way that she's been targeted online by a portion of her critics. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Why is it that ALL rational debate about her is dismissed as violent and misogynistic? Why is it that no one seems to talk about the people who bring up rational arguments with the flaws in some of her arguments and the method in which she argues?

I find the majority of sarkeesians arguments to be poorly grounded and trite, however in no way does that justify the acts of the people attacking her

"Calling the derision of Anita Sarkeesian rational debate is an insult to both her and the idea of debating ideas." Writing for The New Statesman, Ian Steadman gives a thorough and well-reasoned rebuttal of many of the most popular arguments raised against feminist critic Anita Sarkeesian ever since she started her Tro