Devon Fay is an environment artist who has worked at Blizzard, Neversoft and Infinity Ward.
Devon Fay is an environment artist who has worked at Blizzard, Neversoft and Infinity Ward.
School books aren't for studying, you know. They're for drawing goofy pictures in. Because that certainly makes…
I would never say I was into horror games - I managed about 90 seconds of a YouTube playthrough of P.T. before…
Video games and real-life combat are obviously different. But what if real combat was like an online shooter?…
There's a new Pokémon game! It's an action fighting game. For arcades. In Japan. I bet the internet has something…
Geoffrey Ernault is an artist currently working at Guerilla Games, developers of the Killzone series. He also does…
A brief note about the continued discussion about Kotaku's approach to reporting. We've long been wary of the potential undue influence of corporate gaming on games reporting, and we've taken many actions to guard against it. The last week has been, if nothing else, a good warning to all of us about the pitfalls of…
You guys didn't really cover this Zoe Quinn nonsense other than a few posts like this, and that's fine. I'm glad to not see posts wasted on it. But if Zoe Quinn shouldn't be discussed on your site, Evan Narcisse's piece on the sex scandal over at the Leisure Suit Larry developer wasn't worthy of your time either. …
Thank you for not quashing dissenting discussion. Thank you for confronting the issue head-on. Basically: thank you for taking journalism seriously.
Twitter user Otakumi makes Japanese sweets or "wagashi" (和菓子). Traditionally, they are served with tea and are…
New anime music is one of the things I look most forward to each season. And as we have 44 new anime for the…
Freelance artist Daniel Joustra has worked for companies like Guerilla, developers of the Killzone series.
Look, I don't wanna tell people how to do their jobs, but if I had to choose one part of that sentence to put in ALL…
It didn't take long for people to "beat" the Silent Hills teaser—but nobody understood how exactly they did it.…
While delayed for several months, Hanamonogatari, the latest tales from the sprawling Monogatari franchise, has…
Everybody has to start somewhere. And recently, Japanese viewers were polled about what show got them interested…
Well, everyone's favorite pink and slow Pokemon now has a reggae song. It's totally official, too. The music video…
Paradox, you had me at "single-player, real-time strategy title that puts the player in command of a fleet".
Resolution and polygons aren't the only things behind increasingly lifelike 3D worlds. Lighting plays a huge part as…
It's an issue with journalism. Journalists are supposed to be impartial, unbiased sources of information. Sleeping with someone you're reporting about is absolutely going to alter how you cover any news related to them.