
Ketchup, because fuck Chicago.

I’m pro pro-rel, but MLS is absolutely right not to sacrifice so much to get in bed with someone who negotiates like this.

I got it and found it amusing...

I’ll admit it took me awhile to figure out why people were pissed with this.

Very curious about this myself. Is there any part of the law that takes into account Stockholm syndrome? If not, he’s not doing anything illegal if they are consenting (which is a big if).

I understand teams with an obvious starting QB not signing him. You don’t want your back up to be a media distraction (yes, it’s the medias fault). But I struggle to see how any team without a solid starting QB doesn’t sign him.

Just make Kaepernick to Washington a reality.

I hate the idea of charging someone for simply saying something, but following and threatening them... Yeah, you should go to jail.

Two things:

I consider myself just right of center (though I’m sure on Gawker I’m a demonic Nazi that wants poor people to die in a fire or something). I would love to see Booker vs. Sasse in a presidential election. Both are relative moderates (not a bad thing in a president), intelligent, and skilled politicians. Here’s the

Sprinkles are for winners damn it!

I was at the game that ended Finley’s career and I really do remember thinking “Is this worth it?” Glad he’s found himself and, almost as importantly, he’s able to talk about it so openly.

What a piece of shit.

Yes, this attitude is something to be very proud of (womp, womp)

I do consumer research for an ad agency and we cut Millennials off at about 35, but some will go up to 37/38. The interesting thing is going to be how the “floor” evolves over the next couple of years. Current 24 year olds will probably be the floor, but anyone 22 or under (born ‘95 or later) will fold into Gen Z.

A president we can all get behind.

Taylor Twellman suffers from voice immodulation syndrome.

The thing I like about a good day-drink is I usually can get a full nights sleep in and feel good the next day. I started drinking around noon last Saturday, stopped around 5 or 6 (honestly, a little hazy) and was asleep by 8. Woke up the next day feeling great.

It is possible for speech to be legal and despicable. Too often we use legality as a replacement for having a moral standard.

My girlfriend and I have different political views (though both relatively moderate). We had the conversation after a few weeks of dating (just before the primary season) and it’s worked out well since then.