
I know you are but what am I?

Out of curiosity, is there a Jewish organization involved in this as well? Have there been other anti-Semetic incidents occurring on campus?

It’s a good thing he can turn on his negro dialect when it is beneficial.

Women take sports way too seriously.

What is the favorite for the next to get the axe? E:60? Bucci? Puppies?

True, but there is still something to staying relatively injury free. To be honest, I was too young to know exactly what was going on, but from what I’ve read it is still incredible.

I think it was Chris Quinn, but I think someone on ND men’s bball averaged over 40 minutes/game for a season because they had so many overtime games.

It’s not even the greatest in baseball with Cal Ripken’s consecutive game streak being the winner.

Let’s be real, those moderators were terrible. The candidates should debate each other with the moderators acting as referees.

Two things: Did anyone else immediately go to something terrible happening?

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to the prequel trilogy.

Sounds like MLB just needs a drink.

Who’s the idiot that brought a stool to a chair fight. Rookie mistake.

I honestly thought those were his family members and thinking “Oh what a nice family moment”.

Generally for me, I hate playoff expansions. It cheapens the regular season and can help a bad team on a hot streak win a championship. Still, I live this because it makes winning the division so important. The goal of the regular season should be to win the division. If you don’t do that, there should be some sort of

The past few weeks on 670 the score, they have been relatively easy on Cutler. I think a lot of it has been that he hasn’t been that bad this season, but has just had some terribly-timed picks. They also realize what is behind him.


I like listening to Jon Gruden on MNF. By nature, announcers are obnoxious. He’s at least intelligent, positive and seems to have fun.

Top of the table.