
No. When crazy right wing blogs write stuff like this it’s not considered hyperbole. It shouldn’t be written off either. It’s uncivil, dangerous rhetoric.

It’s not about his politics. I don’t care that they criticize his policies or his methods. What is terrible is calling for a politician to die because you disagree with him. You can criticize policies without calling for the politician’s death and talk about his or her looks.

Deadspin showing its class by calling for someone to kill themselves in the headline of an article where they proceed to say he should be killed by a train and attack his looks.

What are the tortillas? Sound delicious.

I get that I’m a little late to the game on this, but sophomore year of college we were sitting around a friends dorm nursing hangovers. One of the women there gets a phone call around 1130 saying that it was Dominos. She said she didn’t order a pizza and that they had the wrong number. They inform her that the night

Tell that to Greg Bryant. I know some of these kids aren’t the brightest creations in the box, but Notre Dame does hold their athletes to decently high standards. In fact, if we go back a bit, it was a major reason why the contract negotiations with Urban Meyer fell apart before he took the Florida job.

When Wondo misses against Belgium.

I read somewhere that when Marshawn Lynch was drafted by the Bills, he didn’t realize Buffalo wasn’t New York City until he got off the plane. Not sure if it is true or not, but I choose to believe.

I’m not or never have a member of the military, but don’t downplay the sacrifice that many people make even if they are not in combat. I’ve had family and friends whose loved ones have been stationed across the country, let alone across the Pacific, who have struggled with it. It’s not just the distance, but the

Just to be clear on something, that was technically the correct call, right? The issue is more with the rule, not how it was enforced?

This article would mean something more to me if it were written by literally anyone else.

I work in advertising. Sometimes I have to get drunk to be an adult.

This is why Hillary doesn’t interact with puny humans.

I get that this is for the 49ers, but if Russell Wilson being a human saltine cracker isn’t in the Seahawks one I will be sorely disappointed.

I like watching all of this, but I want to see a bit more rivalry. One of the things I always liked about watching Tiger is how incredibly competitive he was on the last day. It was almost to the point of being a jerk.

Ah, normally I would say his support of political candidate is whatever, but even as a conservative Ricky gives me the creeps.

I mean, if you Google “Philip Rivers religion” it is going to bring up religion. That’s like googling “Michael Sam gay” and then being upset for him shoving his sexuality in your face. Most of the articles just talked about how he lived a religious life, but I don’t see anywhere about him being obnoxious about it.

I don’t watch many if any Chargers games. Does he talk about it a lot after games? How is he public about it? I mean of course an article from the Catholic Register is going to talk about his faith. If we talk about time and place, that seems both the time and place.

Out of curiosity, has Rivers done anything to deserve the criticism he gets for his religion. I mean, I could understand it if he were out there damning people all the time, but is he called out just because he is Catholic?

From McCown’s Wikipedia page...