
Fun fact: Perry Graves weighed 148 ends and played end. 100 years later, the skinniest OL for U of I weighs 275 founds

I mean, duh, other than that of course.

So that’s what Mike Tolbert does...

So what you’re saying is that the popular kids in high school actually liked me?

I coach youth volleyball and have coached in the dome when they were hosting a massive tournament. You could almost feel the fact that it was the liveliest that building had been in years...

As a Brewer fan this pisses me off for many reasons. A) Seems like some bad faith negotiation to ask for money for a contract that reasonable. B) By saying it is a medical issue, they hurt Gomez’s trade value to other teams. Just seems like a really shitty excuse to use.

I mean, does his team give up a single point? His +/- has got to be pretty strong

Not sure if it counts as a sports game or not, but Tony Hawk’s Underground was my favorite game of all time. If I ever become a billionaire, I’m paying someone to recreate that game.

Saying that they should have played younger players because they didn’t need to win would be like telling an NBA team to rest their players in a game 6 when they are up 3-2 because they don’t need to win that game.

A friend of mine from Jacksonville living elsewhere was recently quoted saying “20% of the problems in my life stem from coming from Florida and you can add another 10% for being from Jacksonville.” We later agreed that this was an understatement.

The execution of your team line is arguably the greatest sports line of all time.

Bryce Harper is wrong.

Just announced: British comedian made president of Fifa.

When did this happen? I’ve been to my share of games and never seen anything like this that wasn’t immediately shouted down by other fans or taken care of by security.

Just going to reply to this once. Clearly I understand that not EVERY Mexico fan is bad and this was a generalization. HOWEVER, the garbage throwing is not an isolated incident and has happened at three different games I’ve watched at this gold cup alone. The Mexican federation needs to start taking action as other

You know, I actually meant there, but forgot “was” after. Either I done fucked up.

Fuck Mexico fans. I know there have been a very small amount of issues with US fans doing this, but they shit they get away with at stadiums is disgraceful. They were throwing shit at Costa Rican players after that shit call. Against T&T there garbage was hailing on the guy taking the corner before they scored the

This comment is underrated.

It’s not unusual for charity cases to have floats in parades...

NML has said that they would most likely have to move their massive convention out of the city which would be a insurmountable blow for a city that already struggles to get events like that. They use the arena for a few things, but use many other venues across the county in the event as well, not to mention hotels,