
The fact that nobody asked a question like "Are you a doo doo head?" is a sure sign of the decline of our American society.

I like it when people say that science and religion can get along and then don't believe science. Even religion (The Vatican) believes science.

Somehow this is RGIIIs fault.

Bucks gonna Bucks.

This family has all the ingredients that created Mandy Moore's character in Saved!

You haven't seen Saving Private Ryan or Braveheart? What the fuck is wrong with you? (My movie is Spaceballs)

Comparing United when SAF took over (21st in the league, 0 league titles since the 60s) and when Moyes took over (title holders, countless money in the team) is fucking stupid and needs to stop. Moyes didn't need to win the league his first year, he just needed to show that he had some strategy besides cross the ball

That's why we chug beers.

@BestFansStLouis is going to be the best Twitter account tonight.

Have a few Miller Lites and old fashions, I swear I'm prettier after a few drinks.

I'm actually pretty upset I did that.

FSWisconsin has a deal with the Wild, so Minnesota blocks it. We have a large amount of Hawks fans in Southeastern Milwaukee (myself included) and Wings fans elsewhere. That's three NHL teams that would not want a team here.

Hi, Milwaukee here. You know, a city that has a lot of cold weather and hockey. So anyways, if your not doing anything, maybe you'd want to go out sometime. I know your kind of seeing South Florida, but if you are ever looking for someone that will really appreciate you, we're here for you.

Because they have Aaron Rodgers.

White people are out of control.

Now playing

Even the "Your winnings" part is too real.

In reality there was only one Kuhn in the pile.

I feel like the first week always has some great match ups, but it can take 3-4 more weeks to get another "great" one. I guess schools feel like if you are going to lose to an out of conference opponent, it might as well be in the first week so you have the rest of the season to wash out the bad taste of the loss.

On the other hand if he goes back in and takes another shot, it could be the last as well.