
And never forget the biggest dick from the St Louis: Tony LaRussa

I'm thinking in the majorities here though. From what it seems, there is not a shortage of African American position coaches. Not sure, haven't looked at the numbers. I think you go down the most common pathway to where the shortage is. If most positional coaches come from place X, and there are not that many African

As far as diversity, I think the real question is how many African Americans are getting promoted from position coaches (QB, secondary, etc.) to coordinators. If the majority of head coaching positions (in the NFL and seemingly in the NCAA) are filled by coordinators, shouldn't we look at why there are not more

Do we need another lecture on how criticizing Sherman's arrogant behavior is racist? I mean, doesn't saying "beefing" imply that he is in a gang or something?

Yeah, somebody tell PornHub it's getting a little old.

Now playing

His first ten words or so were "I" in the post game interview. How selfish of him!

Yeah, he really needs to check himself. He should be more careful on these boards.

We should use the Faceback app.

I always hated the "I" and "We" comparison. A) James's speech came after getting the Finals MVP award and Toews was accepting the team trophy. B) Toews has never been personally attacked and vilified, thus negating the need for him to defend himself constantly.

Hey now. That's not... I mean, hey...

Well played, however, then I wouldn't be bumping Mr (or Miss, I don't know) Mount and Do's comment keeping it higher so it stays on highlights.

This happened to me when I was 15. Got slammed on the right side of my face. Besides being brutally embarrassed, it hurt like a motherfucker for a day. Felt like my face was melting off.

Then leave.

I remember Brandon Jennings talking about playing in Italy instead of going to college. He was ahead of most every other rookie because he played basketball and that is all. Even if you argue that college players don't go to class, there are still tons of issues that they deal with as students (including faking going

Kinja Finally Force Everyone to Trade for New Kinja, Prepare to Blow Everything Up

All I can think of is this: I stayed in school because I never want to be a halftime emcee of an indoor soccer team.

Where a referees car was bombed last week.

Should we revisit your childhood?

I'm glad I didn't Bale on this game because that goal was pure Klass.